Note: BCC regular meeting 8.07

Board of County Commissioners
Regular Meeting – August 7, 2008 – 5:30 p.m.
Governmental Complex – First Floor

1. Call to Order.
**Grover Robinson will be absent tonight.

2. Invocation – Commissioner White.
**Bill Adams – New Smyrna

3. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
4. Are there any items to be added to the agenda?
Recommendation: That the Board adopt the agenda as prepared (or duly amended).
**Valentino: motion passes 4-0

5. Commissioners’ Forum.
M.Young: Mentions there is a parade on Saturday, sponsored by Movement for Change… a back to school parade.

Whitehead: Mentions discussion earlier this morning about the beach taxes. 22million net effect, due to appellate still going forward we may not be able to lower taxes this year, but hopefully next year.

Valentino: Tallahassee to stop talking to Pens about ‘caps’ issue. Regrets that they have taken this stance, and he will have a report that documents how much they’ve spent dealing with this issue.

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6. Proclamations – None.
7. Employee of the Month Proclamations/Retirement Proclamations.
Recommendation: That the Board adopt the following four Proclamations:

A. The Proclamation commending and congratulating Jane E. Jernigan, Senior Office
Support Assistant, Development Services Bureau, Building Inspections Division, on
her retirement after 24 years of service;
B. The Proclamation commending and congratulating Theron C. Jones, Urban
Planner II, Development Services Bureau, Long Range Planning Division, on his
retirement after two years of service;
C. The Proclamation commending and congratulating Evelyn D. Rancifer, Public Works
Bureau, Engineering Division, on her retirement after 35 years of service; and
D. The Proclamation commending and congratulating Linda J. Sheckart, Office Support
Assistant, Corrections Bureau, Corrections Division, on her retirement after 10 years
of service.
**Passes 4-0

8. Written Communication.
A. July 22, 2008 – Communication from Mark R. Whittaker, Hammons, Longoria &
Whittaker, P.A., concerning an Order of the Environmental Enforcement Special
Magistrate against the property of the Estate of Roxie Mae Blackmon (located at
2390 Chance Road), recorded in Official Records Book 5915, Page 1830, and
Official Records Book 6045, Page 1327;
**Drop from agenda: Passes 4-0 NO one here to speak
Motion to reconsider (Whittaker showed up late): passes 4-0
Whitehead: I made the orginal motion to reject, and the family present should’ve taken care of it. Moves to reject.
Passes 4-0

B. July 22, 2008 – Communication from Theresa Downs requesting that the Board
release any liens and fines against property located at 2204 North 61st Avenue; and
**Whitehead moved to dismiss: passes 4-0

C. Undated Communication from William R. Gainey requesting that the Board waive or
forgive the liens against property located at 2910 Roosevelt Street.
**Mr. Gainey present to speak. Doesn’t want to pay the liens because he didn’t know about them.


Motion: 4-0 to reject

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9. Did the Clerk’s Office receive the proofs of publication for the Public Hearing(s) on the
agenda and the Board’s Weekly Meeting Schedule?
Recommendation: That the Board waive the reading of the legal advertisement(s) and
accept, for filing with the Board’s Minutes, the certified affidavit(s) establishing proof of
publication for the Public Hearing(s) on the agenda, and the Board of County
Commissioners – Escambia County, Florida, Meeting Schedule.
**Passes 4-0

10. 5:31 p.m. second Public Hearing for consideration of designating 2800 Hollywood
Avenue a Brownfield Area.
Recommendation: That the Board, at the 5:31 p.m. second Public Hearing, take the
following action regarding the designation of 2800 Hollywood Avenue as a Brownfield

A. Conduct the second of two Public Hearings on the proposed designation of
2800 Hollywood Avenue as a Brownfield Area;
B. Adopt a Resolution designating 2800 Hollywood Avenue as a Brownfield Area within
the Palafox Redevelopment Area for the purpose of economic development and
environmental rehabilitation, authorizing the Community Redevelopment
Agency (CRA) Division Manager to notify the Department of Environmental
Protection of the designation, and providing for an effective date; and
C. Authorize the Chairman to sign the Resolution.
**No speakers. Passes 4-0

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11. 5:32 p.m. second Public Hearing for consideration of Fiscal Year 2009 ECAT
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise goals.
Recommendation: That the Board, at the 5:32 p.m. Public Hearing, take the following
action concerning Fiscal Year 2009 Escambia County Area Transit (ECAT)
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goals:

A. Ratify the scheduling and advertisement of a Public Hearing for 5:32 p.m., on
August 7, 2008, for the purpose of receiving comments concerning the Fiscal Year
2009 DBE goal of 5% established for the ECAT system; and
B. Approve, after receiving comments from the public at the Public Hearing, a Fiscal
Year 2009 goal of 5% for ECAT for procurements receiving financial support from
the Federal Transit Administration.
**Passes 4-0

12. 5:33 p.m. Public Hearing for consideration of vacating portions of the Plat of
Marcus Pointe Commerce Park.
Recommendation: That the Board, at the 5:33 p.m. Public Hearing, take the following
action regarding the vacation of portions of the Plat of Marcus Pointe Commerce Park,
as described on Exhibit “A,” on the Board’s own motion:

A. Approve the vacation, on the Board’s own motion, of portions of the Plat of Marcus
Pointe Commerce Park, as described on Exhibit “A” (that certain Greenbelt
Easement, Block “D,” Marcus Pointe Commerce Park, Plat Book 14 at Pages 82,
82A, and 82B, as recorded in the Public Records of Escambia County, Florida, all
lying and being in Section 39, Township 1 South, Range 30 West, Escambia County,
B. Adopt the Resolution to vacate;
C. Adopt the Resolution designating the vacated portion of Marcus Pointe Commerce
Park as a County park and conservation area; and
D. Authorize the Chairman or Vice Chairman to accept the documents as of the day of
delivery of the documents to the Chairman or Vice Chairman and authorize the
Chairman or Vice Chairman to execute them at that time.
**Passes 4-0

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13. Budget Workshop Recommendation(s).
(To Be Distributed Under Separate Cover)
**A-W Passes 4-0

14. Reports:
Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller
Growth Management
County Administrator
County Attorney

15. Items added to the agenda.

Item added by Kevin White to Appoint Paul Redman to the Marine Advisory Committee, replacing Matthew Clark, who has resigned. Passed 4-0.(I have a copy of this I can give you).

All other added items passed 4-0

16. Announcements.
17. Adjournment.


August 7, 2008

1. Recommendation Concerning Acceptance of Reports
Recommendation: That the Board accept, for filing with the Board’s Minutes, the
following three Reports prepared by the Clerk & Comptroller’s Finance Department:

A. Payroll Expenditures for Pay Date July 25, 2008, in the amount of $2,249,292.54;
B. The following two Disbursement of Funds:
(1) July 17, 2008, to July 23, 2008, in the amount of $3,621,795.44; and
(2) July 24, 2008, to July 30, 2008, in the amount of $1,769,994.00.

2. Recommendation Concerning EMS Accounts Receivable Write-Off
Recommendation: That the Board adopt the Resolution authorizing the write-off of
$891,800.86 in receivables that have been recorded in the Emergency Medical
Services (EMS) Fund of the County and have been determined to be uncollectible bad

3. Recommendation Concerning Disposition/Reinstatement of Property
Recommendation: That the Board approve 19 (**changed to 20) Requests for Disposition of Property, to
be sold as surplus or appropriately disposed of, and two (2) Requests for Reinstatement
of Property; the Requests are prepared by various County Bureaus and state the
reasons for disposition/reinstatement.
**Passes 4-0

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4. Recommendation Concerning Acceptance of Documents
Recommendation: That the Board accept, for filing with the Board’s Minutes, the
following documents provided to the Clerk to the Board’s Office:

A. The original State Financial Assistance Agreement, DEP Agreement No. LP6085,
Escambia County, Amendment No. 1, based on the Board’s October 6, 2005, action
approving the Agreement;
B. A recorded copy of the Subordination Agreement (Third Mortgage), based on the
Board’s April 19, 2007, action formally committing $1,240,000 in Hurricane Housing
Recovery Program funds to Morris Court II, LTD, to financially support the cost of
constructing a 74-unit family housing tax credit rental development known as
Morris II Apartments;
C. The original Contract Amendment between the Department of Corrections and
Escambia County Board of County Commissioners, Contract C2159,
Amendment #2, based on the Board’s action of July 19, 2007, approving Contract
Amendment #1 and other related documents; and
D. Closing documents relating to the sale of surplus of property, located at Muldoon
and Hogan Road, to Bellview Small Engine Repair, Inc., as approved by the Board
on December 6, 2007.

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5. Recommendation Concerning Minutes and Reports
Recommendation: That the Board take the following action concerning Minutes and
Reports prepared by the Clerk to the Board’s Office:

A. Approve the following Minutes:
(1) The Minutes of the Attorney-Client Session held July 30, 2008;
(2) The Minutes of the Special Board Meeting held July 30, 2008;
(3) The Minutes of the Public Forum Work Session and Regular Board Meeting
held July 24, 2008; and
(4) The Minutes of the Joint City-County Meeting held July 15, 2008;
B. Accept, for filing with the Board’s Minutes, the Report of the Agenda Work Session
held July 24, 2008; and
C. Accept, for filing with the Board’s Minutes, the Report of the Committee of the Whole
Workshop held July 17, 2008.

BCC: 08-07-2008

August 7, 2008

1. Review of Rezoning Cases
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board take the following actions:
A. Review and either adopt, modify, or overturn the Rezoning Hearing
Examiner’s recommendation for rezoning Cases Z-2007-66 and
Z-2008-12. Case Z-2008-13 requested a continuance; and
B. Authorize the Chairman to sign the Orders of the Escambia County Board
of County Commissioners for the rezoning cases that were reviewed
Case No.:

Property Reference No.:

Property Size:


FLU Category:
Commissioner District:
Requested by:
RHE Recommendation
Speakers: **Rev. Jerry Gordon; Tina Gaines; Willie Gaines

Z-2007-66 (Remanded by the BCC

831 & 1000 Block Trammel Blvd
26-1S-30-2101-003-034 & 26-1S-302101-001-034
0.39(+/-) acres
R-5, Urban Residential/Limited Office
District, (cumulative) High Density
R-6, Neighborhood Commercial and
Residential District (cumulative), High
Density (25 du/acre)
MU-1, Mixed Use 1
Willie Gaines, Owner
Horace Jones
Stacey Ward
Willie Gaines
Gloria Horne
Charles Horne Sr.
William Booker
Lorenzo Savage
Bernie Shoemo
Rev. Jerry Gordon
Robert L. Gulley
Robert Gulley
Frances King

**Whitehead: I want to go on record that I have no conflict in voting on this, I have no tie in with Mr. Horne or anyone else involved.

Tina Gaines: Please take into consideration that not only are there drugs on his church ground, they are EVERYWHERE. Drugs, prostitutes, everywhere in that area.

Willie Gaines: I don’t want a beer/wine liscense, I don’t want a liquor liscense. I just want a cafe/restaraunt.

Charles Horne Sr.: Tells Whitehead he doesn’t know him, but if he wants to know him personally, he can call him (gives his phone number).

**Motion to deny: passes 4-0

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RE: Growth Management Report Agenda

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Case No.:
Property Reference No.:
Property Size:
FLU Category:
Commissioner District:
Requested by:
RHE Recommendation


821 North 65th Avenue

2.49 (+/-) acres
R-2, Single Family District, (cumulative)
Low-Medium Density (7du/acre)
R-4, Multiple-Family District,
(cumulative) Medium High Density
(18du/acre) (changed request at RHE
MU-2, Mixed Use 2

W.R. Ward, Agent for D&W Investments
Inc., Owners
Horace Jones
Stacey Ward
Debra Anderson
Thomas Griffis
Byron R. Faircloth
Pattie Winfree
Flaviano B. Enriquez
Norma M. Enriquez
Raymond J. Wilkerson
Richard W. Stone
Quentin Black
Leona King
Judith I. Francour
Petrina Windson
Cathy Prouty
Dana Green
Corinne Lamb
Devota B. Pye
Constancio E. Maghirang
Teresita Maghirang
Joseph Lino
Renaria Lino
Sharon Dickerson
Imogene Dickerson
Robert R. Irvin
Anita Green
Helen Broussard
Michael Prouty
Don Kendrick
W.R. Ward

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RE: Growth Management Report Agenda
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Katrina Windsor
John Drysdale

**W.R. Ward speaks.

Motion passes 4-0.

Valentino is very bothered by people speaking out of the audience who were not signed up to speak.

Motion to remand to the hearing examiner:

Whitehead wants to withdraw his motion and deny instead.Moves to reconsider the original vote: passes 4-0

Whitehead moves that they reject the rezoning: passes 4-0

2. 5:45 p.m. – Thursday, August 07, 2008, Public Hearing – Amendment to the
Official Zoning Map
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board adopt an ordinance to amend the Official
Zoning Map to include Rezoning Cases Z-2008-12 and Z-2007-66.


3. 5:46 p.m. – Thursday, August 07, 2008, Public Hearing – LDC Article 7
“Performance Standards”
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board review and adopt an ordinance amending
Part III of The Escambia County Code of Ordinances (1999), the Escambia
County Land Development Code (LDC), as amended, Amending Article 7
“Performance Standards” Section 7.01.03, to establish guidelines for fund
expenditures referring to the Tree Restoration Fund; and amending Section
7.01.04, to reference the adopted fee schedule for mitigation tree.

**Passes 4-0

4. 5:47 p.m. – Thursday, August 07, 2008, Public Hearing LDC Article 6 “Zoning
Districts” Sections 6.04.12, 6.04.14 and 6.04.15.
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board take the following actions:

A. Ratify the scheduling of the August 07, 2008, 5:47 p.m., Public
Hearing; and
B. Hold the second of two public hearings; and
C. Adopt an ordinance amending Part III of The Escambia County Code
of Ordinances (1999), the Escambia County Land Development Code
(LDC), as amended, Amending Article 6 “Zoning Districts”, Section

**Passes 4-0

6.04.12 which deals with the use of portable storage containers in
residential zoning districts; section 6.04.14 to clarify existing text from
tenant to occupant; and section 6.04.15 creating no fee for a county
container notification.


5. 5:48 p.m. – Thursday, August 07, 2008 Public Hearing – LDC Article 2
“Administration”, Section 2.10.06, to add provisions regarding setbacks as shown
on approved subdivision plats.
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board take the following action:

A. Ratify the scheduling of the August 7, 2008, 5:48 p.m. public hearing; and

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RE: Growth Management Report Agenda
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B. Adopt an ordinance to the Land Development Code (LDC); Amending
Article 2 “Administration”, Section 2.10.06, to add provisions regarding
setbacks as shown on approved subdivision plats.

**Passes 4-0

6. 5:49 p.m. – Thursday, August 07, 2008 Public Hearing – Retaining Wall
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board take the following action concerning
consideration of adopting an Ordinance relating to construction of retaining walls:

A. Ratify the scheduling of the August 7, 2008, 5:49 p.m., Public Hearing;
B. Adopt an Ordinance of Escambia County, Florida, amending Chapter 18,
Article 2, Section 18-34 of the Escambia County Code of Ordinances;
providing for definitions; providing for severability; providing for inclusion in
the code; providing for effective date.

**Passes 4-0

1. West Ridge Place Final Plat
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board take the following actions concerning
recording of the Final Plat of West Ridge Place (a 62 lot single family residential
subdivision), located in the Beulah community lying north of Mobile Highway

(U.S. Highway 90) and west of Rebel Road, owned and developed by West
Ridge Place, LLC. Prior to recording, the County Engineer, County Surveyor,
Development Services Bureau Chief and the Clerk of the Circuit Court must sign
the Final Plat, as set forth in Section 4.02.07.E, of the Escambia County Land
Development Code. Also, prior to recording the County Surveyor must sign the
Final Plat as set forth in Chapter 177.081 (1) Florida Statutes;
A. Approve the final plat for recording; and
B. Approve the street names “Lamont Road and Chester Drive”; and
C. Accept the public road paving, all public easements, drainage
improvements and Parcel “B” (0.43 acre Dry Retention Pond), Parcel “D”
(0.79 acre Dry Retention Pond), as depicted upon the final plat for
permanent County maintenance, the cost of maintenance for drainage
improvements are to be funded through the establishment of a stormwater
management MSBU (Municipal Services Benefit Unit); and
D. Authorize the Chairman or Vice-Chairman to execute a Two-Year
Warranty Agreement for Streets and Drainage improvements,
Conservation Easement, and a Hold Harmless and Indemnification

**Passes 4-0

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RE: Growth Management Report Agenda
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2. Conservation Easement for Expansion of Turn Lanes at the intersection of
Blue Angel Parkway and Dog Track Road
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board take the following action:

A. Approve the conservation easement between Escambia County and the
Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) to permit wetland
impacts associated with expanding turn lanes at the intersection of Blue
Angel Parkway and Dog Track Road (project); and
B. Authorize the Chairman to sign the conservation easement associated
with the expansion of turn lanes at the intersection of Blue Angel Parkway
and Dog Track Road.

**Passes 4-0

1. Scheduling of Public Hearings
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board schedule the following public hearing(s):

A. 5:45 p.m. – Thursday, September 4, 2008 – A public hearing to amend
the Official Zoning Map to include the following Rezoning Cases heard by
the Rezoning Hearing Examiner (RHE) for cases heard on July 28, 2008.
Case No.: Z-2008-06

Location: 17080 Perdido Key Drive

Property Reference No.: 01-4S-33-1500-000-000

Property Size: 3.86 (+/-) acres

From: R-2PK, Residential District Perdido Key

Medium Density (4.5du/acre)

To: R-3PK, Residential District Perdido Key

High Density (12du/acre)

FLU Category: MU-4, Mixed Use 4

Commissioner District: 2

Requested by: Michael Wolf, AICP, Agent for Perdido

Ventures, LLC, Owner

Case No.: Z-2008-14

Location: 9181 Eight Mile Creek Rd. N

Property Reference No.: 11-1S-31-2103-000-000

Property Size: 2.97 (+/-) acres

From: AG Agricultural District low density


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RE: Growth Management Report Agenda
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To: C-2 General Commercial and Light
manufacturing District, (cumulative)

FLU Category: MU-1, Mixed Use 1
Commissioner District: 5
Requested by: Glenda Brandenberg, Agent for John &

Helen Bonifay, Owners

B. 5:46 p.m. – Thursday, September 4, 2008 – A public hearing to review
and adopt for adoption an ordinance to the Land Development Code
(LDC) amending Article 7 “Performance Standards,” Section
7.06.11.C.12.d to amend the setback requirement for any dock,
boathouse structure, pier or any part of extensions thereof.

**Passes 4-0

AUGUST 7, 2008

I. Technical/Public Service Consent Agenda
1. Recommendation Concerning Street Name Approval – Sabine Island Drive – T.
Lloyd Kerr, AICP, Development Services Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approve the street name “Sabine Island
Drive” for an un-named private road that runs north off of the north end of
Narvaez Drive, beginning at the bridge and extending on to the Island at the
Environmental Protection Laboratory.


2. Recommendation Concerning Street Name Approval – Safety First Avenue – T.
Lloyd Kerr, AICP, Development Services Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approve the street name “Safety First
Avenue” for an un-named private road that runs north off of the 11000 Block of
Pate Street and one-and-one-half miles northeast of East Ten Mile Road.


3. Recommendation Concerning Reappointments to the BID Inspections Fund
Advisory Board – T. Lloyd Kerr, AICP, Development Services Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board take the following action concerning
reappointments to the BID (Building Inspections Division) Inspections Fund
Advisory Board (IFAB):

A. Waive Board Policy B.1. Appointment Policy and Procedures; and
B. Reappoint the following two members, for a three-year term, effective
October 1, 2008, through September 30, 2011:
1. Bob Price, Jr., Bob Price, Jr. Builder, Inc., (Construction Industry
Trade); and
2. Paul E. Stanley, BB & T Corporation (Licensed Architect,
Professional Engineer or Construction Lending and Finance).


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4. Recommendation Concerning a Long-Term Property Use Deed Restriction
Associated with Emerald Coast Ministries, Inc. – Sandra P. Jennings, E.I.,
Neighborhoods/Community Services Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board take the following action regarding the
long-term property use Deed Restriction associated with Emerald Coast
Ministries, Inc. Hurricane Housing Recovery Program (HHRP) assisted
transitional housing for the homeless:

A. Adopt a Resolution releasing the Deed Restriction recorded against
property located at 102 Palmetto Avenue (Account #083166000) and
recording a deed restriction on property located at 30 South 3rd Street
(Account # 083120100), through filing an Amendment to Covenants and
Restrictions with Release and Cancellation, as to Certain Property in
relation to the HHRP Transitional Housing Development Agreement, with
Emerald Coast Ministries, Inc., as approved by the Board on May 1, 2007, to
allow Emerald Coast Ministries, Inc., to secure an alternate location for the
delivery of transitional housing services for women and women with
children in Escambia County;
B. Acknowledge, for the Official Record, that all transitional housing services
to be provided by Emerald Coast Ministries, Inc., utilizing property and
facilities at 102 Palmetto Avenue shall be delivered from the property and
facilities located at 30 South 3RD Street, subsequent to recording the
Amendment to Covenants and Restrictions with Release and Cancellation
as to Certain Property as provided in Item “A” above; and
C. Authorize the Chairman to execute the Resolution, the Amendment to
Covenants and Restrictions with Release and Cancellation as to Certain
Property, and any related forms and documents as may be required to fully
complete the transaction.
5. Recommendation Concerning Non-Exclusive Long Term Franchise Agreement –
Waste Pro of Florida, Incorporated – Sandra P. Jennings, E.I.,
Neighborhoods/Community Services Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board take the following action concerning a Non-
Exclusive Long Term Franchise Agreement for the Collection of Commercial
Solid Waste with Waste Pro of Florida, Incorporated:

A. Approve an Agreement permitting the above-named company to haul
commercial solid waste in Escambia County; and
B. Authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreement.

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6. Recommendation Concerning a Certificate of Need for Waste Pro of Florida,
Incorporated – Sandra P. Jennings, E.I., Neighborhoods/Community Services
Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board take the following action concerning a
Certificate of Need for Waste Pro of Florida, Incorporated:

A. Approve a Certificate of Need Application permitting the above-named
company to operate in Escambia County; and
B. Authorize the Chairman to sign the Certificate.
7. Recommendation Concerning Architectural Services for the Public Safety
Building – Joy D. Blackmon, P.E., Public Works Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approve and authorize the County
Administrator to notify McCall & Associates, Inc., Architects, that the Contract for
architectural services relating to the Public Safety Building has been terminated.

8. Recommendation Concerning Out-of-County Travel – Robert R. McLaughlin,
County Administrator
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board authorize out-of-County travel for any
member of the Commission, the County Administrator and the County Attorney to
attend the 2008 Gulf Power Economic Symposium in Sandestin, Florida, on
September 21-23, 2008.

**All passes 4-0

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II. Budget/Finance Consent Agenda
1. Recommendation Concerning Supplemental Budget Amendment #312 – Amy
Lovoy, Management and Budget Services Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board adopt the Resolution approving
Supplemental Budget Amendment #312, Internal Service Fund (Fund 501), in the
amount of $600,000, to recognize and appropriate funds from fuel distribution
charges and to cover fuel costs for the remainder of the Fiscal Year.

2. Recommendation Concerning Miscellaneous Appropriations Agreement for the
Pensacola Little Theatre, Inc. – Amy Lovoy, Management and Budget Services
Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board take the following action concerning
approval of the Amendment to the Fiscal Year 2007/2008 Miscellaneous
Appropriations Agreement with Pensacola Little Theatre, Inc.:

A. Approve the Amendment to the Fiscal Year 2007/2008 Miscellaneous
Appropriations Agreement, extending the effective dates from March 6,
2008, through September 30, 2009;
B. Authorize the Chairman to sign the Amendment and all other necessary
documents; and
C. Authorize the execution of the necessary Purchase Order.
3. Recommendation Concerning Third Party Workers’ Compensation Claims
Administration Run-off Services – Amy Lovoy, Management and Budget Services
Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board take the following action concerning the
Agreement with Preferred Governmental Claim Solutions:

A. Approve the Addendum to the Administrative Services Agreement between
Escambia County and Preferred Governmental Claim Solutions, Inc., for
Workers’ Compensation TPA and Managed Care Services, in the amount of
$45,000, to provide third party workers’ compensation claims
administration run-off services to Escambia County, for all open claims
with a date of loss prior to June 9, 2008. [Funding is available in Fund 501
(Internal Service Fund), Cost Center 140834]; and
B. Authorize the Chairman to sign the Addendum.

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4. Recommendation Concerning Security for Various County Buildings – Amy
Lovoy, Management and Budget Services Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board extend the Contract for one year to
Securitas Security Services USA for “Security Services for Various County
Buildings, PD 05-06.136” under the current terms and conditions with no wage
increases for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. The Bureaus have concurred, and funding is
available from various Funds and Cost Centers.

5. Recommendation Concerning Fire Fighting Equipment Services Contract – Amy
Lovoy, Management and Budget Services Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board award a three-year, fixed-price Contract for
“Fire Fighting Equipment Services”, PD 07-08.105, to Koorsen Fire & Security, in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the solicitation and appropriation of
funds, in an estimated yearly amount of $50,000, with funding available from
various Funds and Cost Centers.

6. Recommendation Concerning a Change Order for International Business
Machines Corporation – Amy Lovoy, Management and Budget Services Bureau
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approve and authorize the County
Administrator to execute the following Change Order:

Bureau: Management and Budget Services
Division: Information Technology
Type: Addition
Amount: $7,745.35
Vendor: International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation
PO No.: 280646
CO No.: 1
Original Award Amount: $55,000.00
Cumulative Amount of Change Orders through this CO: $7,745.35
New Contract Total: $62,745.35

[Funding Source: Fund 001, General Fund, Cost Center 270102, Information
Systems – $7,745.35]

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7. Recommendation Concerning River Road Shared Path, Phase II – Amy Lovoy,
Management and Budget Services Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board award a Unit Price, Indefinite Quantity,
Indefinite Delivery Contract, PD 07-08.110, “River Road Shared Path Phase II” to
Aero Training & Rental, Inc., in the amount of $143,547.70. [Funding to be
provided in Fund 333, “New Road Construction”, Cost Center 210204, Object
Code 56301, Project Number 05EN0811]

8. Recommendation Concerning Purchase of a Conveyor and Baler System – Amy
Lovoy, Management and Budget Services Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board authorize the County to piggyback off of the
Fort Jackson, South Carolina, Contract #W9124C-08-P-0097, in accordance with
the Escambia County Code of Ordinances, Chapter 46, Article II, Section 46-44,
Applications; Exemption; and Section 46-64 Board Approval, and award a
Purchase Order to Nu Life Environmental Inc., for one Nexgen Model 2R-150N-5730 2-Ram Baler, for Solid Waste Management, in the amount of $262,747.33. This
is a replacement for Property Number #50925, International Baler. Funding is
available from Fund 401 (Solid Waste Fund), Cost Center 230306.

9. Recommendation Concerning HHRP Small Rental Development Award Loan
Agreement – Sandra P. Jennings, E.I., Neighborhoods/Community Services
Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board rescind the $40,000 Hurricane Housing
Recovery Program Small Rental Development Award Loan Agreement with
Shirley S. Washington, for the 14th Avenue Duplexes, as approved by the Board
on September 21, 2006. [Fund 120/HHRP, Cost Center 220426]

AUGUST 7, 2008
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10. Recommendation Concerning Removal of Underground Storage Tanks Located at
603 West Romano Street – Sandra P. Jennings, E.I., Neighborhoods/Community
Services Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approve the following Change Order for
building demolition, removal and disposal of Underground Storage Tanks at the
former Escambia County Mosquito Control Facility located at 603 West Romana
Street and authorize the County Administrator to execute the following:

Bureau: Neighborhoods & Community Services Bureau
Division: Neighborhood Redevelopment/CRA
Type: Addition
Amount: $78,825.39
Vendor: Cameron-Cole
Project Name: 603 West Romana Street/Former Escambia County Mosquito

Control Facility per PD 06-07.038, Professional Services as

Governed by, Florida Statute 287.055, Cameron-Cole, Inc.
Contract: PD 06-07.038
PO No.: 280859
CO No.: 2
Original Award Amount: $8,200.00
Cumulative Amount of Change Orders through CO #2 $87,625.39
New Contract Total: $95,825.39

[Funding Source: 2007 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Cost
Center 220555, Object Code 53101]

11. Recommendation Concerning Non-Custodial Parent Placement Program – Sandra
P. Jennings, E.I., Neighborhoods/Community Services Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board ratify the Chairman’s signature on the
Contract Between Workforce Escarosa, Inc., and the Escambia County Board of
County Commissioners for the Non-Custodial Parent Placement Program Welfare
Transition (WT) Contract #2008-2009-01, beginning July 1, 2008, through June 30,
2009, in the amount of $149,049. This is a 100% cost-reimbursement Contract
with no local match required.

AUGUST 7, 2008
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12. Recommendation Concerning FDOT Public Transportation Joint Participation
Agreement – Sandra P. Jennings, E.I., Neighborhoods/Community Services
Bureau Chief
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board authorize the Chairman to sign the Multi-
Year Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) Notification of Funding NOF #27, to the
Florida Department of Transportation Public Transportation JPA, Financial
Project Number 4213681 84 01, providing $126,709, in Florida State 5311 Non-
Urbanized Area Formula Program Grant Funding, in support of Escambia County
Area Transit Service during Fiscal Year 2009.

13. Recommendation Concerning Emergency Management Preparedness and
Assistance Grant Program Award Letter – Michael Hardin, Public Safety Bureau
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board take the following action regarding the
Emergency Management Preparedness and Assistance Grant Program Award
Letter for Agreement #08-BG-24-01-27-01-281, providing Federal funds in the
amount of $47,050, to assist in improving our Local Division of Emergency
Management operations, both for daily and emergency operations and to assist in
local disaster preparations and community outreach:

A. Approve the Florida Division of Emergency Management Emergency
Management and Preparedness Assistance Grant Award Letter for the
additional Federal share to be identified in Other Grants and Projects (Fund
110), Cost Center 330405; and
B. Authorize the Chairman to sign the Award Letter.

Moved all but #2 (dropped): Passes 4-0

August 7, 2008

1. SmartCop, Inc. and Escambia County for software license and services
agreement and a software maintenance support agreement both dated
August 19, 2004, in the sum of $1,325,000.00 under PD 03-04.23
A. That the Board of County Commissioners authorize the County
Administrator to terminate both of the contracts for cause.
B. That the Board of County Commissioners authorize the County
Attorney’s Office to file a lawsuit against SmartCop, Inc. to revoke
the County’s acceptance of hardware and software purchased from
SmartCop, Inc., to rescind both of these contracts and to obtain any
other relief that the court deems appropriate.

**Passes 4-0
