Reader rant on Brownsville

Got this email today:

What is the social impact of Brownsville revitalization? How has “progress” helped the poor in the community? What efforts have been put in place to get this neighborhood up or we just going to push the poor to another neighborhood? Let the next commissioner deal with the poor of Brownsville?

Ms Marie Young, what are we trying to do to the poor, for Jesus said Himself, “The poor will always be with us” and we have to treat them humanely. What are the plans to treat them humanely?

Where are the social programs that the Federal government requires of us to get the grant money to “revitalize” our neighborhoods? Or is it just fancy signs, pretty flower pots and murals painted on our buildings?

Where are the entreprenural grants to attract new business? Where are the jobs programs or counselors to help the people see the error of the way they live their lives?

Where are the drug programs? Or it just some more street lights in order to help the criminal element see how to find the next robbery victim? When are the crack houses going to be taken down?

Where is the money going? Where is the “community center”? What is going on? Would somebody tell me?
