Virgil has hard time letting go

angryLetter to the PNJ:

Vote them out

Thank you to Charles Fairchild and his Save Our City political action committee for trying to save our downtown waterfront for the residents of Pensacola.

He and his group were “out-monied.” Proponents poured money into this project, more than I have ever seen in the 40 years I’ve lived in Pensacola. Now it’s time to oust the Pensacola City Council members who voted for this project, along with the mayor.

That being said, I can only hope and pray that the Community Maritime Park project is built as presented to the public without what I call “oopsies,” such as cost overruns, modifications or deletions of public amenities, restrictions of public access to the waterfront, city/property tax increases, etc.

I voted no. Will I visit the maritime park after completion? Probably, since it’s going to be there whether I like it or not.

Not for ball games, however. There’s enough of that on TV.

— Virgil Reich


Stop Our City was out-voted, Virgil. The park passed so get over it.

The final park will most definitely be modified from the conceptual drawings. As the public uses it, changes will be made to fit their demands. Most projects morph over time. However, the public will have access to the waterfront. And no property taxes will be increased to pay for the Vince Whibbs Community Maritime Park.
As for cost overruns, the City’s obligation is $40 million, no more. Community Maritime Park Associates will have to manage with those funds. Hopefully, they will catch a few breaks on construction costs.

I’m not sure I follow the logic of voting out the City council because the park passed.
