Note from Rhette to his supporters

This was forwarded to me:

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I just returned from my morning two (2) mile walk — It is a beautiful morning, and we have so much to be thankful for in Pensacola — weather, community, friends — and, I was enthused to get back to write this report — I’ll call the Three F’s Report:

Fay Alert — it is hard to think we are in hurricane season with our current weather! However, we must prepare for torrential rains and heavier winds this weekend. Therefore, I will pick up the yard signs that 75 households have so graciously requested, and placed. Be assured that I will have them back in your yards by Tuesday evening. Of course if you know any one else who would like a yard sign, please advise — I will contact them to confirm, and to discuss my positions, before placing my sign in their yard.

Financial Report — As of this writing, I believe that I am the only candidate in the City Council races having reported my financial collections and expenses as of August 21. The other candidates will file their reports by 5:00 this afternoon. Needless to say, I am very pleased with the support that you have provided as I have received 29 contributions, totaling $4089.00, and I have expended $1390.92. This has resulted in a reserve of $2,698,08, to help cover the next two months of the City Council campaign. Mr. Johnson and I have been very busy meeting with you, the voter, and trying to get our different messages out to the public.

FLAG WAVING, FOOT STOMPING TIME — Today is the Day! We must get out and show our support for our city, our economy, OUR FUTURE! Please plan to attend the Community Maritime Park meeting this afternoon at 1:00 pm, City Hall! It is time to get the program on the road! To show how proud we are of the effort, to help boost our economy, and get jobs headed in a positive direction.

Thanks to you, we will have a future! And, speaking of a future — for those of you who know me personally, you are aware of my major medical event in December, 2006 (Ascending Aorta Dissection) — Well, my Internist, my Cardiologist, and my surgeon, have all “cleared me” (some even referred to my miraculous recovery), and indicated that they have no reservations about my health — as long as I eat right, get plenty of rest, watch my weight, and exercise — They know how much I want to get involved, to help, to get things done, to be a positive influence! Our Future is OURS!

Good luck during the upcoming weather, see you this afternoon, and have a great weekend — and, remember, get involved to help make our good things better, and improve our bad things, TOGETHER WE CAN!

REMEMBER, SPEAK TO YOUR NEIGHBORS, YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT OUR FUTURE! And, remember, you will see your replacement signs by Tuesday afternoon!

W. Rhette Anderson for City Council, District Four
