Email: Whitehead vs. Robertson

Got this email that was sent to Wilson Robertson – Escambia County Commission, District 1 race:

Mr. Robertson,

Every day this week I have received some type of last minute propaganda from your opponent doing nothing but stating false accusations about you and your history in local government. I sincerely hope the public is not gullible enough to be persuaded by these statements. He states how he has built new youth parks in the district. What a fallacy. During his tenure the county acquired the ownership of all county community parks(Bellview, Myrtle Grove, NEP, Brent, etc.) and in return told the parents, who essentially were the owners of these parks and the land that it was on, that the county was going to come in and add all new state of the art construction to include new fields, lights, concessions, parking, landscaping, etc. and that the county would provide ALL MAINTENANCE of these community parks.

The first thing the county did as the new land owners of these YOUTH PARKS was use all of them for debris dumping sites after hurricane Ivan. If you have a minute during your travels around the district, take a look at the condition of the above mentioned parks. Myrtle Grove, Bellview and Brent are all virtually unplayable. The parks and all of their infrastructure were never rebuilt other than a few light poles. The county MAY come by and mow grass about once a month during the growing season, instead of once a week, which is when baseball is at it’s peak, but all they do is take a front end mower that is built for landscape use and run around the field grass, which only makes it worse. The parents of all these parks have had to take on the responsibility of maintaining turf, irrigation, lighting, concessions and any other maintenance problems that frequently occur, which your opponent is responsible for. How the county was able to sell this bag of dirty goods to these community parks is beyond me. The next step will be to sell the property that these fields are on for some political gain. I know they are seriously trying to eliminate the Brent complex due to the value of the property on W street. If so, where and what happens to the hundreds of kids who attempt to play sports there. Please do not let these behind close door actions have any possibility to occur. My father and a few other built Myrtle Grove Community Park, and my father in law and a few others built Bellview Community Park back in the 60’s. For Mr. Whitehead to be sending out literature daily stating how much he has done for improving facilities at these community parks is a total travesty. He hasn’t set foot on any of these facilities in years and hopefully will not in any years to come.

I sincerely hope that the citizens of our county can see through all of this rhetoric and support you on election day. Four more years of the arrogant good ol’ boy attitude must not happen in our district.

Keep fighting the good fight Mr. Robertson. If I may be of any assistance for your victory, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kenny Szuch
