
Want to know the true job experience of the presidential candidates and their running mates?

John McCain: Military 22 yrs, Congress 4 years, US Senate 22 years

Sarah Palin: TV reporter 2 yrs, Small business owner (commercial fishing and a snow machine, watercraft, and all-terrain vehicle business) w/husband while she was in office 9 yrs, City Council 4 yrs, Mayor 6 yrs, State commission 1 yr, Governor 20 months.

Barrack Obama: Community organizer 3 yrs, Attorney 4 yrs full – 8 yrs part-time; College professor (part-time) 11 yrs, state legislator 8 yrs, US Senate 4 yrs.

Joe Biden: Attorney 4 yrs, County Council 2 yrs, US Senate 36 yrs
