Letter from reader confirms survey

The results of the Quality of Life study are real. Here is a letter I got after I spoke on to local professional group yesterday.

Good morning! I was at the AFP luncheon yesterday and heard you speak about young people in Pensacola. I wanted to get your advice on some things! I recently moved here when my husband and I got married.

I cannot seem to find a decent job anywhere! I have a degree in Communications from Florida State University and I have experience as a College Recruiter with a large Engineering/Architecture firm. I have had marketing, recruiting and communication internships throughout college, but all I can find work here is for bank tellers (and this is a last resort) or become a substitute teacher!

Do you have any insight or knowledge on who to contact or a method of job searching that I am unaware of? I am at a loss! I have been searching on Monster or Career Builder or Pensacola Jobs and these turn up nothing profitable! If this is what I must come to grips with living here, making $8 an hour, then I will, but I am clueless on what to do! If you have any insight or know of any search methods I have not thought of, please let me know!
