Palin elected by least votes of any Gov.

I can’t find a governor elected with fewer votes that Sarah Palin (114,697). Here is the list of 2006 Governor elections by state – listing winners and their vote totals. I checked Delaware and North Dakota and their governors got more votes than Palin, too.

AL Bob Riley * (R) 717,287

ARK Mike Beebe (D) 419,448

CA: Arnold Schwarzenegger * (R) 3,867,942

CO: Bill Ritter (D) 779,741

CN: M. Jodi Rell * (R) 709,987

Ha: Linda Lingle (R) 215,313

ID: C.L. “Butch” Otter (R) 237,437

IL: Rod Blagojevich * (D) 1,677,497

IA: Chet Culver (D) 565,199

Maine: John Baldacci * (D) 206,753

Maryland: Martin O’Malley (D) 875,352

Mass: Deval Patrick (D) 1,230,065

Mich: Jennifer Granholm * (D) 2,139,839

Minn: Tim Pawlenty * (R) 1,030,236

Nev: Jim Gibbons (R) 277,855

NY: Eliot Spitzer (D) 2,882,524

Ore: Ted Kulongoski * (D) 652,279

Penn: Ed Rendell * (D) 2,431,974

RI : Don Carcieri * (R) 197,013

Tx: Rick Perry * (R) 1,714,618

Wis: Jim Doyle * (D) 1,136,726
