Myers wants homeless report and ordinances on March City Council agenda

Pensacola City Councilwoman Sherri Myers has gotten tired wanting on Council President Andy Terhaar to do something with the recommendations on homelessness that have been filed away since October.

She has asked Rusty Wells, the council executive without the title**, about the deadline for submitting agenda conference items for the March meeting. Myers asked for information on the “homeless” ordinances that were passed in 2013.

“I would like to draft ordinances that repeal all of the homeless ordinances,” she wrote Wells. She also asked for copies of the recommendations from the Task Force because she wants the council to finally discuss them.

Myers said, :I do not want to put this off until April. That will mean two and half months away so I am working hard to get this done.”

The councilwoman copied Hayward’s COO Tamara Fountain on her email to Wells asking for input from the mayor’s office.

Maybe we will finally get some movement on this issue.

**Another council decision yet to be made. The voters gave the city council power to hire a staff in November. Four months later, the council is still using the staff the mayor gave it.

One more comment: I thought reducing the number of council persons and creating a strong mayor would speed up city government.