Newpoint administrator vows to fight terminations

The parents of students at the three charter schools run by Newpoint Education Partners received a letter, via email, yesterday from Carla Lovett, an officer of NEP.

NEP is no longer denying the allegations, but is claiming they are “exaggerated to appear to be more significant than they really are.”

Lovett asked parents to speak out in favor of the school at the school board meetings on the terminations. She said NEP will appeal any decision to jerk their charters.

Lovett said, “We feel certain that we will prevail in our fight to stay open for next year.”

Dear Parents,

Late Friday afternoon, the district delivered a 90 day notice of intent to terminate the charters for all of our schools, Newpoint Pensacola High School, Newpoint Academy and Five Flags Academy.

While our schools are not perfect, the allegations against us are exaggerated to appear more significant than they really are.

We do have rights and recourse in this matter and we will take them.

The district board will consider the termination at their workshop this coming Friday (the 15th) and will vote on it on Tuesday (the 19th). We will vehemently present our side of this issue at these meetings. However, should the board vote to terminate, we have appeal options. We encourage you to attend these meetings to speak to the board about saving our schools.

We have tried to remain professional and not fight this battle in the press, as opposed to how our opponents have chosen to behave. However, at this point, it is important that we are frank concerning what has happened from our perspective.

This is stressful news for all of us, but please reassure your children that their teachers and administrators are devoted to helping them have a strong finish to the school year. We feel certain that we will prevail in our fight to stay open for next year.

Carla Lovett