Levin compares Mayor and Administrator to rape victims. Update: He withdraws analogy. Compares Nichols to criminal

We received this new statement from Mr. Levin at 4:32 p.m. He has dropped the rape analogy.

He wrote, “Upon further reflection of my initial post script, I am submitting the below updated post script for your editorial. I should not have used the rapist analogy.”

From: Taxie Lambert
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 10:50 AM
To: ‘Lreese@pnj.com’; ‘lnelless@pnj.com’; ‘lnelless@gannett.com’; ‘rick@inweekly.net’
Cc: Fredric Levin
Subject: FW: 2015 Levin, Fredric G. (EMAILS): Letter from Fredric G. Levin

Dear Ms. Reese, Ms. Nellessen-Lara & Mr. Outzen:

I would like to add a P.S. to the attached letter as follows:

After sending the above letter, the two newspapers published articles, editorials and blogs advocating the most incredible position. The background is that Ms. Nichols had sent numerous emails from the office of and within the auspices of the Chief of Naval Air Training to the City of Pensacola. When the City Administrator realized this, instead of filing a formal complaint, called Ms. Nichols’ superior to inform him of this situation. According to Ms. Nichols, she was called into the superior’s office and it was such a serious matter that she thought she was going to be fired. So serious, that she hired an attorney to complain to the City and to the PNJ. All of you demanded that the Administrator and the Mayor apologize to Ms. Nichols, which is the same as the victim of a crime having to apologize to the perpetrator. If Ms. Nichols and the newspapers feel that there was nothing wrong with what she did, tell Ms. Nichols to keep sending personal emails under the auspices of the Chief of Naval Air Training.

Dictated by: Fredric G. Levin
Transcribed by: Taxie Lambert

Original post:
The debate over City Administrator Eric Olson calling the bosses of the president of North Hill Preservation Association, Melanie Nichols, has taken an unexpected twist.

In defense of the Olson and Mayor Ashton Hayward, attorney Fred Levin has sent a letter saying that my and the PNJ’s request for the Olson and Hayward to apologize to Nichols is “the same as the victim of a rape having to apologizes (sic) to the rapist.”

Here is the letter to the News Journal and Inweekly:

Dear Ms. Reese, Ms. Nellessen-Lara & Mr. Outzen:

I would like to add a P.S. to the attached letter as follows:

After sending the above letter, the two newspapers published articles, editorials and blogs advocating the most incredible position. The background is that Ms. Nichols had sent numerous emails from the office of and within the auspices of the Chief of Naval Air Training to the City of Pensacola. When the City Administrator realized this, instead of filing a formal complaint, called Ms. Nichols’ superior to inform him of this situation. According to Ms. Nichols, she was called into the superior’s office and it was such a serious matter that she thought she was going to be fired. So serious, that she hired an attorney to complain to the City and to the PNJ. All of you demanded that the Administrator and the Mayor apologize to Ms. Nichols, which is the same as the victim of a rape having to apologizes to the rapist. If Ms. Nichols and the newspapers feel that there was nothing wrong with what she did, tell Ms. Nichols to keep sending personal emails under the auspices of the Chief of Naval Air Training.

Dictated by: Fredric G. Levin
Transcribed by: Taxie Lambert

Levin, Papantonio, Thomas, Mitchell,
Rafferty & Proctor, P.A.
316 S. Baylen Street, Suite 600
Pensacola, FL 32502-5996

Here is his original (“attached”) letter: Letter from Fredric G. Levin 8.14.2015.
