Judge expected to leave bench amid charges

A Northwest Florida circuit judge facing allegations of improper conduct appears likely to retire because of a disability, according to documents released Thursday by the Florida Supreme Court.

An investigative panel of the state Judicial Qualifications Commission recommended “involuntary retirement” for Circuit Judge Jackie Fulford, and a document indicates Fulford agreed that is the best way to resolve the case.

The panel in April alleged misconduct that included Fulford’s political support for former Wakulla County Sheriff David Harvey.

As an example, while assigned to the Wakulla County Courthouse, Fulford kept a life-size cutout of Harvey in her chambers, according to the allegations. Among other issues, Fulford was accused of improperly interjecting herself into a criminal case involving the son of her “significant other.”

One of the documents released Thursday said Fulford has been on medical leave since April and that the investigative panel concluded that “Fulford does indeed suffer from a disability that seriously interferes with her ability to perform her judicial duties and that the disability is permanent.”

The nature of the disability was not disclosed.

Fulford is a judge in the 2nd Judicial Circuit, which includes Leon, Jefferson, Wakulla, Gadsden, Liberty and Franklin counties. Fulford most recently had been assigned as the only circuit judge in Franklin County. The investigative panel’s recommendation will be considered by the Supreme Court.