Latest on Tropical Storm Ericka

National Hurricane Center issued the last advisory on Tropical Storm Erika this morning. The remnants of Erika, a trough of low pressure, are currently located near central Cuba and the central Bahamas, moving west-northwestward at 20 to 25 mph.

This system is producing disorganized thunderstorm activity, and recent satellite wind data indicate it is producing winds to tropical storm force. Upper-level winds are currently not favorable for re-development of the system into a tropical cyclone. However, conditions may become more conducive Sunday or Monday while it moves northwestward to northward over the eastern Gulf of Mexico.

Regardless of re-development, the remnants are expected to spread locally heavy rains and gusty winds across portions of the Bahamas, central and eastern Cuba, and central and southern Florida during the next couple of days.

Elsewhere, shower and thunderstorm activity associated with a low pressure area located about 175 miles west of Conakry, Guinea, continue to become better organized. A tropical depression could form during the next day or so while the system moves northwestward and then west-northwestward toward the Cape Verde Islands at 10 to 15 mph.Interests in the Cape Verde Islands should monitor the progress of this system.

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