The final email from Matt Currin

Rev. Matt Currin, rector emeritus at historic Christ Church in Pensacola, died Thursday morning. His friends received this last email from him:

From: “Matt Currin”
Sent: Friday, January 08, 2016 9:06 AM

Subject: Matt Currin has gone to Glory

Dear All, I have gone to Glory. I passed away at 548 am on Jan 7th. I just wanted to let everyone know that I am no longer on this earth but in my heavenly home. I look forward to seeing you all again one day.Thank you for years of Friendship and Love. Remember to always have Faith. Continue to have Hope. Lastly but most important Love one another. My memorial service will be Tuesday January 12 at 11 am at Christ church.
Love Matt

Please continue to send emails as Eleanor and the boys will love to read and keep them forever.