Her February meeting was canceled because of a tornado. Councilman Sherri Myers promises this one will go as scheduled.
From her flyer:
It’s Your Money –Not the Government’s!
Tell the people you elected to be your representatives, the Mayor and City Council, how you want your money spent – what your neighborhood and community needs are. Tell them District 2 is tired of being short changed on LOST (Local option sales tax) spending, on community centers, parks, storm water, drainage, sidewalks, street lights and safe routes to school for our kids.
Come to the town hall meeting – together let’s hold the government accountable NOW!
Town Hall Meeting
When: 6 p.m. Tuesday, APRIL 26
Where: ASBURY PLACE behind Cokesbury UMC 5925 N. Ninth Ave.
Info: Sherri Myers, 484-0902, smyers@cityofpensacola.com, Sherrimyers2.blogspot.com