Apply for Clay Ford scholarship for minority accounting students

The Department of Business and Professional Regulation’s (DBPR) Division of Certified Public Accounting is encouraging fifth-year minority accounting students statewide to apply for this year’s Clay Ford Scholarship. The scholarship is awarded each year through the CPA Education Minority Assistance Program to students who exhibit financial need and plan to remain in school for the fifth year required to obtain a CPA license. Since the program’s implementation in 1999, $1.7 million dollars in scholarships have been awarded to minority CPA students across the state, accounting for an additional 80 minority candidates licensed as CPAs in Florida.

“Investing in the success of our diverse student body will continue to drive innovation in Florida,” said DBPR Secretary Ken Lawson. “The Clay Ford Scholarship aids our students with professional development and alleviates the debt they may accrue so they can successfully join the workforce after graduation. Florida’s diverse population makes it an exceptional state to live and do business and we encourage these bright students to make Florida their permanent home.”

Applications for the scholarship must be postmarked by June 1, 2016. For more information about the scholarship, including eligibility criteria and the application process, please visit

The CPA Education Minority Assistance Program was established to encourage fifth-year accounting students to finish their schooling and complete the necessary requirements to obtain a Florida CPA license. The Clay Ford Scholarship is funded by a $10 portion from each individual CPA and firm license fee. Recipients of the scholarship award receive between $3,000 and $6,000 per semester for a maximum of two semesters. During the 2015-16 academic year, a total of thirty-six students won the award from nine different colleges including, Florida State University, University of South Florida, Florida International University and University of West Florida.
