New grading system provides more balanced picture of public school performance

The Foundation for Florida’s Future on Friday sent out a press release defending the new grading system of public schools. It believes the grades balance student achievement and learning gains.

“School grades this year provide a more complete picture of school performance, balancing student achievement and learning gain measures, something for which the Foundation for Florida’s Future has advocated to provide more meaningful information to students, parents and educators,” said the release.

The Foundation for Excellence in Education is 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization founded by former Governor Jeb Bush that has focused on education reform.

“Measuring school performance using achievement and learning gains is essential to ensure all Florida students, regardless of zip code, receive a quality education,” said Executive Director of the Foundation for Florida’s Future Patricia Levesque on Friday. “Today’s release of school grades underscores the belief that with the right interventions and supports, schools can rise to meet the needs of Florida’s K-12 students.”

The 2015-2016 school year was the first year the Florida Department of Education could include student learning gains from the Florida Standards Assessment, which demonstrated that the majority of the state’s underperforming schools have improved educational outcomes for students.

Highlights of the school grades release include:

* 58 percent of schools that earned a “D” or “F” in the 2014-2015 school year improved by at least one letter grade in the 2015-2016 school year;
* 1,137 schools maintained an “A” grade or increased their grade from the previous school year; and
* 76 percent of schools that earned an “F” grade in the 2014-2015 school year improved their grade this year.

Fewer schools earned top marks this year, because they are being held to higher expectations for learning gains.

According to Foundation for Florida’s Future, this year’s earlier release of comprehensive grades for all schools provides time for parents and educators to refocus efforts on student learning progression and plan for a successful 2016-2017 school year.
