Workshops teach how to help feral cats

The Pensacola Humane Society’s Barbara Grice Memorial Spay and Neuter Clinic is pleased to partner with EscaRosa Trap-Neuter-Return to provide free training and coaching in trap-neuter-release techniques of community cats.

Free training and coaching in these techniques will be provided each Sunday at 2 p.m. by EscaRosa Trap-Neuter-Return at the Barbara Grice Memorial Spay and Neuter Clinic of Pensacola Humane Society. (Please note: trainings will not be held on Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Memorial Day or Easter holiday weekends.)

These informative workshops are open to the public and will help you be more successful in trapping and reducing stress on the cats you trap. You can help your neighbors live with community cats by learning about humane deterrents (motion-activated or ultrasonic). Also see a demonstration of the miraculous drop trap that can be used to catch sick or injured cats or cats that won’t enter rectangular traps. Rental traps are available for $10 cash with a $65 check deposit, refundable when the trap is returned. Drop traps and supplies require a refundable $100 check deposit.

Spaying and neutering of free-roaming cats eliminates unwanted litters, reduces roaming and injuries to cats, and helps decrease nuisance behaviors, such as howling, fighting and spraying.

The workshops are a collaborative effort of Animal Allies Florida of Pensacola and the Pensacola Humane Society and will be held in the lobby of the Barbara Grice Memorial Spay and Neuter Clinic, 5 North “Q” Street, Pensacola, 32505.

Visit or, and join the new Facebook group, EscaRosa Trap-Neuter-Return to confirm workshop dates.
