UWF Presidential Search Committee votes to send all four finalists to Board of Trustees

The University of West Florida Presidential Search Committee voted, 12-7, to send all four finalists – Frank Ashley, Don Gaetz, Martha Saunders, and Mike Sherman – to the UWF Board of Trustees.

Student Government Association representative Christopher Thrasher objected to forwarding Gaetz to the UWF Board. Scott Keller brought up concerns about Gaetz’s lack of higher education experience and agreed with Thrasher’s objection.

Pensacola City Council P.C. Wu talked about his love for University of West Florida. He cited his long career with the university and that his son had graduated from UWF.

“I would never advocate for anything that would hurt this place,” said Wu. “I love it too much.”

He defended Gaetz – pointed how many politicians have become university presidents in the state of Florida, Frank Brogan, Betty Castor, T.K. Weatherall and John Trasher.

Steve Riggs spoke in favor of Gaetz, believing he would take UWF further over the next five years than any other finalist.

“This man will get this university ahead faster and quicker,” said Riggs of Gaetz.

Dr. Rick Harper, who has worked under both Gaetz and Saunders, discounted the criticisms coming from his fellow faculty members. He talked about how Gaetz had led very successful legislative programs through the legislature and built coalitions in Tallahassee. He said all four should be sent forward to the Board of Trustees.

The motion to call the question and vote on the motion failed to get the necessary two-thirds majority.

The committee then considered an amendment to vote on the finalists by paper ballot that would have allowed committee members to place a “yes” by the names of those they wished to forward to the Board. It failed.

The Search Committee voted again and passed sending all four to the Board.
