City of Pensacola has $24 million in bank for VT MAE hangar

Last week, the Mayor Ashton Hayward’s staff gave the Pensacola City Council and Escambia Board of County Commissioners an accounting on the funds for VT MAE. The report has not been posted on the city’s “Transparent Pensacola” page or included in the agenda packet for last week’s council meeting. Inweekly obtained the report via a public record request of Escambia County.

The budget for the VT MAE facility is $46.03 million. The City has spent $3.77 million and has $23.99 million in the bank. Escambia County has give the City $2 million, VT-MAE $1.8 million, and the State of Florida $23.78 million. The City has only contributed $177,278 from its Airport Capital Fund.

See VT-MAE budget.

Note: Escambia County does not have a Sunshine Center. Our request for the financial report was made by phone and received in less than an hour. We were not charged anything for the public record.
