Jeff Miller on Trump, Rubio, National Guard bonuses and Federal Courthouse repairs [podcast]

Congressman Jeff Miller spend 20 minutes yesterday giving an update on local and national politics on “Pensacola Speaks.”

On efforts to recollect bonuses from National Guard:

“Absolutely ridiculous. They knew better then that. We knew all along DOD had the ability to stop collection. I’ve got a couple of other issues as it relates to that. Number one, stopping the collection is one thing, but what about the folks that have already paid the bonus back or have spent thousands of dollars in lawyer fees trying to get a waiver and further beyond that, they want to get the bonuses back from the veterans that are in the California National Guard. They won’t ask for bonuses back from people at the Department of Veterans Affairs that have done wrong things and left the department.”

On Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton:

“The problem with Hillary Clinton is she’s more of the same. That’s why this election is so important on the national level to change what’s going on in Washington so that people can actually have faith in their government again.”

U.S. Senate Race:

“I think Marco’s going to be fine. He’s reaching out to independents. He’s not relying on just our Republican base. Patrick Murphy just got to Washington. He is a Democrat. His father has basically funded his campaign through super pacs. Marco understands, especially on defense and foreign policy, how important it is to make sure that we are strong and not out there doing what Obama and Clinton would want to do, and that’s be everybody’s buddy and give everything away.”

Pensacola Federal Courthouse:

“The lease on this building was a 20-year lease, and it does not run out until April of 2017. We’re real close on that number. Our appropriators are holding very strong on making sure that number 1, we own the building. They said we’ll release the money to start the process of planning and even dismantling the building. The thing is once we start the process we need to be able to button it up real quick. It’s going to happen. I’d like it to happen tomorrow. It’s probably going to be a little bit longer before we get there. All of the approvals have been signed off on.”
