350 Pensacola takes on Trump and the environment, Nov. 29

PENSACOLA—Donald J. Trump is president-elect of the United States, bringing concern to many that much of the work to protect and preserve our natural environment will be undone. 350 Pensacola presents our view on what a Trump presidency could mean for a range of issues, including clean energy, climate change, protections for air and water, and the future of the EPA.

The uncertainty of the Trump presidency leads to many questions. Will we go back to burning more coal for energy? Are regulations to protect waterways and wetlands going to be rolled back? Will we withdraw from the Paris Climate agreement?

We’ll look at who President Trump is picking to lead key Federal agencies, and what their respective backgrounds tell us about the policies they will favor. This is an informal meeting in which audience participation is encouraged.

The presentation is part of a monthly speaker series on climate change sponsored by 350 Pensacola.

The Trump Presidency: What’s Ahead for the Environment and Climate Change
Where: Bayview Senior Center, 2000 East Lloyd St.
When: 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 29
For more information: 850-687-9968 or 350pensacola@gmail.com


4 thoughts on “350 Pensacola takes on Trump and the environment, Nov. 29

  1. By the way.. December 8th the county commissioners will vote on another landfill in Wedgewood. Wear orange to show support and speak up!

  2. NOW! Now people react?! The communities of Wedgewood have been yelling at the top of their voices – we ARE climate change, we are communities dying. Right here in your backyard! But, Trump is making you listen to what YOUR neighbors have been saying at every county meeting – NOW? Join us! And what ever it takes… Peace

  3. I’m glad someone is talking about this issue locally. I am appalled at what Trump is threatening to do to roll back all the progress that has been made towards addressing climate change, which is one of the biggest threats to our existence on this planet. Jobs won’t matter much if we are battling horrible droughts, famine, wars, untold numbers of refugees as different places become uninhabitable, and the deaths of millions of species…all of which are likely outcomes sooner than later if climate change continues unchecked. Besides we should be able to do both…Trump is talking about creating jobs through improving our infrastructure, and millions of jobs could be created by switching our energy grid to running completely on renewable sources of energy. Costs for clean energy are coming down and we have the technology…now all we need is the political will.

  4. The election has left me in a state of shock. What does Trump really mean when he says that climate change is a hoax perpetrated by China to damage the American economy? How far will Trump go in dismantling the EPA and pulling back from the Paris climate agreement? I look forward to this discussion. Hope lots of people come out for this meeting.

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