Papantonio calls corporate media a ‘propaganda machine,’ the new Red scare ‘insane’

This winter, Pensacola attorney Mike Papantonio will launch “America’s Lawyer” on RT America.

When asked in an interview with Inweekly about criticism that RT America is a propangda machine for the Russian government, Papantonio said, “There is no more severe propaganda than what we see out of corporate media trying to protect their advertisers where they will not tell a story, no matter how disgusting the story is, because their advertisers won’t allow them to do it.”

He said, ““If I were to call MSNBC and tell them that there is a drug on the market that’s killing 1,000 women a year and the drug was manufactured by one of their advertisers, they would not do the story. I know that firsthand because that’s occurred several times when I was a contributor to MSNBC. The same holds true for CNN or FOX or any major network that relies on advertising.”

For the past several years, Papantonio has been a contributor to RT America. He has also filled in for Thom Hartman on “The Big Picture with Thom Hartmann” that runs weekdays on RT America.

“There’s not one time, not one single time, have they told me what I can and cannot say,” said Papantonio.

The trial attorney criticized the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton for attacking the network after WikiLeaks began releasing DNC and campaign emails.

“The DNC and the Hillary camp have tried to come up with so many reasons why Hillary lost the election rather than facing the fact that she was a deplorably weak candidate. They’ve tried to blame it on the FBI. They’ve tried to blame it on Russia leaking documents. They’ve tried to blame it on WikiLeaks. They’ve tried to blame it on progressive sites that did not support her.”

He said, “Fortunately, Trump, at this point, realizes that the notion of a new Red scare in America is insane, and his relationship with Russia is far better than we ever would have seen with Hillary Clinton.”

Inweekly’s interview with Papantonio will be published in the Dec. 8 edition of Inweekly.
