Gaetz praises Thirty Million Words Initiative on House floor [video]

On Feb. 16, Congressman Matt Gaetz touted on the U.S. Capital Pensacola’s Thirty Million Words Initiative, a collaborative effort by researchers from the University of Chicago and the Studer Community Institute.

The Thirty Million Words Initiative will educate parents of newborns born at Sacred Heart Hospital, Baptist Hospital and West Florida Hospital on the best practices of speech and engagement during the crucial learning stage of 0 to 3-years-old. Interaction through speech or music with young children has not only an impact on their learning abilities, but also their emotional needs. This program builds on this principle and strives to include all newborns regardless of income level, race or ethnicity.

In press release from his Congressional office, Rep. Gaetz said, “This unique partnership between community leaders of today and parents of our future generation will establish a solid foundation for our children.

He added, “Northwest Florida is home to some of the brightest innovators such as Quint Studer of the Studer Community Institute. Their commitment to our community and our future generations is highly admirable. ”
