Are we missing business opportunities with royal visit?

King Juan Carlos is on a trade mission, according to Spanish papers. It appears Pensacola is the only non-trade visit of his trip.

King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofía visited earlier this week Port Spain, capital of Trinidad and Tobago. Trinidad and Tobago are counting on their important potential for the exploitation of gas and the tourist development. Spain is third more important client of the island, after United States and Jamaica, countries that chiefly exports fuels and chemical products.

On the 17th, the Monarchs visited Jamaica, where Spain already is the first foreign country in investment in tourist infrastructures, with some 5,000 hotel beds of the chains Riu, Iberostar and Festival, among others, and where besides Aqualia and FCC are trying to close on the concession for four plants desalination plants.

According to news reports, both countries anticipate the visits will stimulate trade relations and the investments of Spanish business. The King is traveling with a group of Spanish businessmen.
Does anyone know if these businessmen will travel to Pensacola? Did anyone invite them to tour local facilities?

After Pensacola, the Monarchs visit Miami for two days. They will promote the image of the Spanish products “of quality” and will participate in the opening of the festival of Food and Wine, where there will be an extensive Spanish representation.

According to press reports, they will respond to business opportunities on renewable energies. …..Did anyone think to give them a tour of GE, the nation’s largest producer of wind turbines?
