Inside PD Owens reorganization

Much was made of the massive reorganization of the District 1 Public Defender’s office. However, documents given to IN reveal the new Public Defender James Owens has added more attorneys, reduced support staff and saved the taxpayers $233,799 in payroll.

Two of the former employees that PNJ quoted on their article (by Kris Wernowsky) were Carol Freeman and Hazel Smith.

Freeman, 54, and Hazel Smith, 68, a 29-year legal assistant, were the first two told that “their services were no longer needed.”

“The only reason I can think of is that I supported Kelly Richards,” Freeman said. “I had no words against him in the campaign.”

“It’s just so humiliating after 29 years,” Smith said, trying not to cry.

According to records we received per a public request, Freeman was in the DROP (early retirement program). Smith had completed DROP and was a re-employed by the former PD. Her layoff was considered a retirement by the State of Florida.

Could there have been a different way to handle the dismissal of Freeman and Smith? Yes, but Owens saved the taxpayers money and hired more attorneys.


