Economic Development Update

From Charles Wood, Pensacola Chamber VP:

* ATCOM Meeting – Our armed services department held their Defense Aerospace and Technology Committee (DATCOM) meeting last week. The committee is made up of our technology based defense contractors, which range from the big guys like General Dynamics & Lockheed Martin to our smaller technology defense contractors like Techsoft and Hixardt Technologies. Key topics discussed at the meeting included a contract teaming opportunity which was presented by Hixardt Technologies, which may create the opportunity for additional defense contract dollars to come into Pensacola and a presentation on the Saufley Field Enhanced Use Lease (EUL) project. These meetings allow us to leverage the Chamber’s Armed Services department by creating a business retention tool for the economic development department, allowing us to touch multiple contractors in one meeting.

* Snow in New York – We headed off to New York and northern New Jersey this week to remind several site selection consultants that it was still warm and sunny in Pensacola, Florida. While they confirmed what we already knew, which is there are not a lot of projects out there right now, they indicated that it was very good that we were out selling our community and preparing ourselves for projects that may gear up when the economy takes and upturn. Not only were they appreciative of us braving the snow and ice, but they also provided some insight into industries that are faring better than others (renewable energy to name one).

* City Economic Development Presentation – Evon and I gave an economic development presentation to the Pensacola City Council in an effort to bring the council up to date on our activities before the joint City-County workshop on economic development later this month. We were also joined by Dr. Rick Harper (who was the opening act). Both of our power point presentations are available on the city’s website at:

* Visit from Across the Pond – Just as a quick note, in partnership with Enterprise Florida we are hosting representatives from Enterprise Florida’s Germany Office later this month. For those of you interested in exporting to Germany (and now is definitely a time to be looking for more customers) this may be of interest to you.
