Pensacola Mayor issues joint statement on fish hatchery

Joint Statement from FWC and Office of the Mayor regarding Hatchery Project

“The City of Pensacola and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) agree that construction commenced as contemplated, that no violations of the lease have occurred and that the project is moving forward as planned. At the time the project was discussed, the parties were aware that the project required public meetings and other agency involvement. Thus the lease, as approved, balanced the risk of undue delay or stagnation with a negotiated provision for commencement of construction as agreed to by the parties to trigger a completion of construction deadline. The City has been apprised of FWC’s progress throughout, and the parties are in agreement that the completion of construction deadline is February 14, 2020. To not honor the lease would be a violation of the contract.”

-City of Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward and FWC Executive Director Nick Wiley


5 thoughts on “Pensacola Mayor issues joint statement on fish hatchery

  1. I am still wondering who will want to buy the swamp, aka Bruce Beach, aka Maritime park permanent mitigation area… Where’s the beach? Check out Google if you don’t believe me…

  2. He won’t supply it because it doesn’t exist. He is trying to get some work going now on construction. His statement was done to get out ahead of any council action to terminate the lease. That statement assures that the city will end up in litigation if it terminates the lease. You guys got checkmated.

  3. I am still waiting for the specific date of “commencement of construction” as required by the contract and lease. Don’t see it in this press release. I have made open records request to try to ascertain the date. Don’t know why the Mayor’s office will not supply that simple request for information.

  4. I guess we will soon see if the city council has any backbone. I would be willing to bet they do nothing. Maybe a citizen living in the area can sue the city to get this moved.

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