Elebash wants CMP, not stadium

Surprise, surprise. In his viewpoint in the PNJ today, C.C. Elebash wants the park infrastructure- roads, utilities, grading and environmental work-done, but nothing else on the CMP property.

This creates few jobs and adds nothing to the property tax rolls. However, it does fall into Elebash’s 2005 political strategy to make the CMP only about a baseball park and Quint Studer.

This time he has finally dropped the attacks on Studer, but he isn’t giving the whole story in his viewpoint.

The CRA revenue depends on the property value growth in downtown Pensacola…..not the entire real estate market.

In 2010, ECUA will start dismantling the Main Street Sewage Treatment plant. That land will be sold to the private sector and go on the tax rolls. The Studer office building will generate $255,000 in property taxes. The City of Pensacola – through the PEDC – is looking at selling some its properties in downtown to the private sector. That, too, will go on the tax rolls.

The CMP – with the stadium and Studer office building – creates excitement and will be catalyst for even more development.

The Elebash “plan” gets us nothing. It’s more gloom and doom.
