Community input period extended for CRA design criteria

The City of Pensacola Community Redevelopment Agency has extended the Community Input period for the draft Urban Design Standards Overlay to include additional Public Input Sessions on Tuesday, April 3 at 5:30 pm and Friday, April 6 at 8:30 a.m. Both meetings will be held at City Hall, Hagler Mason Conference Room, 2nd Floor, City Hall, 222 W. Main Street.

Since Feb. 6, the CRA has hosted a series of meetings to present information and receive citizen input on Design Guideline Standards proposed for the CRA neighborhoods located outside a Special Review District.

To accommodate community interest, additional sessions have been scheduled to provide additional community input and comment opportunities on the draft Design Guideline Standards. Each additional session will include a presentation by the CRA’s consultant, DPZ CoDesign and time for public comment. The community’s participation is requested.

A copy of the draft Overlay Design Standards document is now available on the project webpage at Comments on the draft must be received by April 13.

Additional public meetings on the proposed standards will be held as follows:

May 8 – Planning Board Public Hearing, 2 pm,
Jun 11 – CRA Recommendation to Council, 3:31 pm
Jun 14 – Council Public Hearing/1st Reading, 5:30 pm
Jul 19 – Council 2nd Reading/Adoption, 5:30 pm
