Right to Life group endorses Gaetz

From the Matt Gaetz campaign:

The Florida Right to Life Committee yesterday endorsed U.S. Congressman Matt Gaetz (FL-01) in his re-election to U.S. House of Representatives. The Florida Right to Life Committee is an organization designed for quick and effective responses on pro-life issues. The Florida Right to Life Committee is a leading voice in the fight to limit abortion on demand in Florida.

In his first term in Congress, Rep. Gaetz co-sponsored the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, and the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act. He also voted to block federal funding of Planned Parenthood, and has received a 100 percent pro-life voting record in Congress.

“The endorsement indicates that you are the best pro-life candidate in the race and is a recommendation that our members and supporters vote for you,” the Florida Right to Life Committee said in a statement.

In response to the Florida Right to Life Committee’s endorsement, Rep. Gaetz issued the following statement:

“The continued support of the pro-life community is truly an honor. I believe each life in the womb has worth and dignity, and I will continue fighting for the sanctity of human life in the halls of Congress and all across Northwest Florida. I vow to keep working tirelessly for the most defenseless in our society,” Rep. Gaetz said.

2 thoughts on “Right to Life group endorses Gaetz

  1. Does that mean that he supports the right to life for all humans, or just select folks?
    Voting to end Planned Parenthood indicates that he opposes the use of birth control, which is Planned Parenthoods primary function.
    How is it that anyone considers themselves worthy of making very personal decisions for all women in the United States? Has he considered just simply having all the men in the United States castrated??

  2. Cris Dosev, also an avowed Right to Life and 2ND Amendment Candidate, and in my opinion, is the more Conservative person
    to hold this office than Mr. Gaetz.

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