Sheriff endorses Spencer for mayor

From the Brian Spencer campaign:

Mayoral candidate City Councilman Brian Spencer has received the endorsement of David Morgan, a three-term sheriff of Escambia County who is well-known for a tough and uncompromising stance against local crime. Morgan announced his support following Spencer’s decision to enter the mayoral race June 22.

“Brian Spencer is one of the most responsive, collaborative leaders I’ve known,” said Sheriff Morgan. “There is no question that his plan to establish quarterly meetings and bring city law enforcement and Pensacola neighborhood associations together will strengthen our neighborhoods against crime and be a true game-changer for our city. He has integrity, and his experience in planning and execution sets him apart from the crowded field of candidates. I believe without question that Brian Spencer is the right person to be the next mayor of Pensacola.”

A former Deputy Chief of Police in the U.S. Air Force, David Morgan has worked in law enforcement for more than 40 years. He was reelected in 2016 for a third term as Escambia County Sheriff and during his tenure has expanded, introduced and improved a number of important services to address neighborhood safety, including the Neighborhood Watch Program, the Law Enforcement Explorer Program for ages 13-to-21 and new technology to improve response and training.

“I am honored to receive this important endorsement. I have known Sheriff Morgan for many years and admire and respect the work that he and the Escambia County Sheriff’s Department do across our county every day,” said Councilman Spencer. “I look forward to working closely with law enforcement to ensure that all neighborhoods throughout our city are safe.”
