Pensacola sister, Gero, Japan recovering

Pensacola’s sister city, Gero, Japan, is still recovering from extreme flooding and landslides caused by the landfall of Typhoon Prapiroon in July. Gero experienced all-time rainfall records and saw thousands of citizens seek shelter. The city of over 33,000 citizens experienced extensive damage and property loss. Following the storms, the region suffered from life-threatening heatwaves.

The Central Community Chest of Japan (CCCJ) is leading recovery efforts and is in charge of accepting monetary donations. The CCCJ is one of the largest nonprofit organizations in Japan and is a long-time partner of United Way Worldwide. The organization was established in 1947 and consists of 47 prefectural Community Chests that serve as district offices in large cities, with branch offices in smaller municipalities.

Individuals interested in supporting Gero through the Central Community Chest of Japan, may visit The CCCJ has the capacity to accept international donations.

Pensacola and Gero first established their status as sister cities in 1988, and have mutually benefited from decades of support. After the 2014 flooding in Pensacola, Gero residents provided financial support through United Way of Escambia County. $12,900 in relief funds were placed in a Flood Relief Distribution Pool, which was used to provide funding to local agencies supporting relief efforts. Gero also offered support to Pensacola following Hurricane Ivan in 2004.