Conservative blog trends

Here are the overnight trends for the conservative blogs according to

Issue Trends
1. Medicare: + 265.52 %
2. Social Security: + 165.91 %
3. EPA Restrictions: + 103.85 %
4. Freedom of Information: + 50.00 %
5. AIG: + 33.33 %
6. Cap & Trade: + 16.22 %
7. Health Care: + 12.18 %
8. Federal Bailouts: + 8.97 %
9. Tea Parties: – 13.7 %
10. Coal: – 14.63 %

Top People
1. Nancy Pelosi
2. Sarah Palin
3. Rush Limbaugh
4. John McCain
5. Tim Geithner
6. Harry Reid
7. Janet Napolitano
8. Mitt Romney
9. Michael Steele
10. Joe Biden
