Scarborough weighs in on Foley scandal

retro mic Former Congressman Joe Scarborough entered Congress with Mark Foley in 1994 as part of the Republican Revolution and the GOP Contract with America. Scarborough now hosts “Scarborough Country” on MSNBC.

In his commentary, Scarborough says:

“I know Mark Foley. Mark Foley is a friend of mine. But in all my years working with him in Congress and on TV, I could have never foreseen the sleazy events that brought about his fall from power.”

“Reading the first set of e-mails made me uneasy. My friends who knew Mark and I1 got on the phone and wondered aloud why he would ask a high school kid for a picture. Friday afternoon I saw the instant messages he sent to another student that made me scream.”

Read the entire commentary: Scarborough: D.C.’s dark underbelly exposed
