MPDP Davison responds to criticism

Scott Davison, the vice president of development for Maritime Park Development Partners, has sent at letter to the CMPA.

Davison writes that he did have discussion with City Council members regarding the need for a meeting between all stakeholders in the project to discuss the flexibility of the site plan. “There was no lobbying to change or amend the proposed motion regarding the UWF lease or any of the other documents being approved.” He says that he did talk with Dr. Judy Bense, UWF president, about the need for flexibility prior to the May 26 Council meeting.

Davison’s intent was to have the City Council “suggest a meeting of all the development’s participants to discuss the situation.” In separate phone conversation with Davison today. the developer said he hopes that the CMPA board will form a Design Subcommittee to oversee the site planning process and that a facilitator could be brought in to help MPDP, UWF, Pelicans and the CMPA work out the final site design.

Read cmpa-ltr-6-08-09
