City Council goals

The Pensacola City Council has a goal-setting session on Tuesday, June 30 at 9 a.m. Sam Hall and Larry Johnson have shared their five goals:

Larry Johnson
~ Green Community
Encouraging green buildings. Our city leading by example with all future buildings at least silver LEEDS certified
Improving recycling efforts by recycling glass
Protecting our natural resources and environment
Adding beautification to our city’s gateways. Beautifying our city. Planting more trees.

~ Increase Effort for Economic Development
Attracting the creative class to our community and keeping them here

~ Making Port Profitable and mixed uses for our Port

~ Attracting Southwest Airlines to Pensacola

~ Adding More Mixed Residential Homes
Especially affordable housing.
Increasing our city’s population which should include annexation

Sam Hall
1. Have all of Pensacola’s public waterfront (sans Port of Pensacola) accessible to public by 2015.

2. Expand Pensacola’s population by 6,000 by 2013 through aggressive/creative annexation….close all “holes” in the city’s boundary in District’s One and Two.

3. Reduce City’s inventory of vacant property by more than 50%

4. Incentivize property owners to reduce hardscape…particularly with new construction.

5. Land at least one major employer in Pensacola proper by 2012.
