The Good News Issue

Because “unprecedented times” call for unprecedented levels of optimism, we decided to go all in and make this very special special issue. Welcome to Inweekly’s first ever Good News Only Issue.

Hopefully it won’t be our last, because it was really fun to put together. We talked to new moms, newlyweds, graduates and lots of local businesses who are doing good for the community during the pandemic. Every single one of them made us smile. Honestly, we didn’t know how much we needed this dose of positivity until we started working on it. This issue reminded us that it’s okay to be happy, even when things are uncertain. We hope reading it does the same for you.

And fear not if you’re disappointed by this feel good vibe. We promise to return to business as usual next week and give you some hard-hitting news and maybe even make a few deserving politicians “losers.”

Feeding the Frontlines
Saving the Dates
A Creative Question
Brewing Good Stuff
Positive Results and Attitudes
Companies that Care
Staying Home Forever
Congrats to the Class of COVID 2020
More Good News
