Long day – press conference notes

Today’s press conference with Sheriff David Morgan and State Attorney Bill Eddins was delayed over an hour. The excuse given was that the two had to review late breaking developments. I suspect it had to do with Crystal Spencer, who represents Ashley Markham and the other Billings children.

Why do I think that? Spencer stood off to the side – out of camera range– while Sheriff Morgan read a statement that we (I guess he meant the media) should have humanity and compassion for the Billings family. He made it clear that the Billings are not part of any ECSO investigation. He said that to the best of his knowledge that they aren’t part of any DEA investigation either.

I think Spencer was there to defend the family.

With so many reporters here – Newsweek, People, CNN, Fox, NBC, ABC, CBS as well as local stations and papers from Mobile to Panama City, there has been a great deal of speculation about why the Billings were killed during the home invasion. Some reporters have been more aggressive than others in looking into the business dealings of the Billings.

Bill Eddins really stressed that he believes that the investigation is concluded and that he is ready to prepare to bring the cases before the grand jury. He was very tight-lipped as was Sheriff Morgan. Eddins sees the motive for the crime being robbery.