Morgan emails

We made a public records of the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office of emails that he has received from around the country on the Billings case. Here is a small sampling of the hundreds received (I have redacted the email addresses of the senders):

Subject: Sheriff David Morgan
Request/Question: I live in Alexandria, Louisiana and have been watching the media coverage regarding the horrible murder of Mr. and Mrs. Billings. I just watned to personally let Sheriff David Morgan know how impressed I was with his professionalism and prompt actions by his detectives during this investigation. They must all be top-notch in their field !!! Thank you for your dedication in what you do !! Sincerely, Mary Fairlcoth

Subject: Great Job!
Request/Question: Kudos…What a professional team, Escambia county should be very proud of David Morgan and his professional staff.
G_d bless you all !
Steven Leventhal

Subject: Thank you
Request/Question: My name is Annette & I live in Fairbanks, Alaska.. I usually don’t write anyone like this, but I wanted to send out a big thank you to Sherriff David Morgan for all his dedication and help in finding the alledged killers opf the Billings Murder Case. You have renewed my faith in Law Enforcement.

Subject: To Sheriff David Morgan
Request/Question: You are a class act! I have new faith in your department and the safety of my family and this community. THANK YOU for your “no nonsense” way of running the Sheriff’s Department!
Susan Langston

Subject: Thank You!!
Request/Question: Thank you for restoring our faith in humanity by putting your hearts and souls into catching these horribly evil men.

Subject: Billings Murder Congrats on Apprehension
Request/Question: My greatest respect and congrats go out to every officer on this case…I have a son with CP and love him in the extreme. Most people who have anything to do with special needs kids have the biggest hearts. I with you the best in getting every last suspect. Every one of you, STAY SAFE!

With Undying Admiration,
Barry Irwin
Cleveland, Ohio

Subject: Billings murder:
Request/Question: Sheriff Morgan,
You and your team have done a great job in apprehending these animals. What a horrible crime committed on such loving people. Hanging needs to be brought back for such an occasion.
Our prayers are with the family, you and your team.
Once again, great work!

Tom & Kathy Humphries

Email: Cathleen M. Corwell
Subject: phone message
Mr. Tom Stoner – [local number] called. He said to tell the Sheriff that he was the gentleman in the wheel chair at the republican party the Sheriff spoke to. Wanted to stay the Sheriff is doing a wonderful job and was a great representative for our area.

Thanks, Cathleen

Email: Cathleen M. Corwell
Subject: phone message
Mr. Ken Malone [local number] called. Said he wanted to let the Sheriff know how proud he was of him. If the Sheriff decides to run for Governor he would donate to his campaign. Said, it was a pleasure seeing a “Southerner” who was so articulate, professional, and a gentleman. Also stated he was very happy to see the Sheriff acknowledge all of his staff members by name.

Said it would be an honor if the Sheriff called him back, but it was not necessary. Said he just wanted the Sheriff to know how he felt.

Thanks, Cathleen.

Subject: Billings Murder
Request/Question: Dear Sheriff Morgan,

I just wanted to say Great Job in solving the murders of the Billings’. As a fellow law enforcement officer and citizen of this great country you and your deputies are to be commended. I appreciate the fact that you acknowledged the work of the investigative team publicly during the press conference. That is a testament to your leadership qualities. The citizens of Escambia County should be proud to served by such a fine law enforcement agency.

Again Great Job!!!
Sgt. Willie Bailey
Gwinnet County (Ga) P.D.
Supv. DUI Task Force

Subject: Billings Murders
Request/Question: An Atta Boy! Goes out to you, Sheriff Morgan & your employees, for corralling these lowlifes. Hang ‘em High!

From One who is as far North in Maine as I can get & still be in the USA-


Subject: Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan
Request/Question: Just wanted you to know the professionalism you and your office displayed on CNN concerning your update about the Adoptive Parents murders was very “sadly” appreciated. Even here in Main individuals talk about you and your office and everyone involved.

Subject: Arrests
Request/Question: I just wanted to congratulate your department for the fine work that they did in the murders of the adoptive parents. Sheriff Morgan was a true professional in entertaining the press corp in the past days. Great Job and God bless you all !!

Subject: The Sheriff
Request/Question: My husband and I just wanted you to know that you are truly professional and that your former military training is in full force. Good job. Well spoken. Kudos to you and your entire team!

Subject: job well done
Request/Question: Sheriff and deputies, you have done the profession proud. This was and is a very difficult crime with far too many victims. Having been a deputy sheriff myself, after years in the navy, please accept this attaboy and a salute from this old man. My blessings to you and your entire staff, old Bob.

Subject: Sheriff David Morgan
Request/Question: We have watched you on nationsl TV daily during your recent investigation. Thank God for the US Military and the professionals they help to train. You create an extremely favorable impression of your professional and personal abilities. We wish you well.
Paul & Ruth Cobleigh
Culpepper, VA

Subject: recent murders of the Billings’
Request/Question: I wanted to send an e-mail to Sheriff Morgan letting him know that he is doing an excellent job at keeping Escambia County safe. I knew that when I voted for him I was making the right choice. In light of the most recent tragedy it confirms what I already knew. Sheriff Morgan gets the job done. Thank you and be safe.

Stacy Adams,
Cantonment resident

Subject: Not a question – comment
Request/Question: Just wanted to express my appreciation to our new Sheriff and the job he is doing. I have kept up with the most recent double homicide on local as well as national news, and I am extremely impressed with our Sheriff’s representation of our community and city. I live in Beulah and receive calls daily from friends as far away as California and Nevada and they think our Sheriff “rocks!”

Subject: Family murder
Request/Question: Dear Sheriff, I am the daughter of a retired officer from Kansas City Mo. My dad is the most wonderful man and former officer. He’s now dying of cancer as is my mom. Watching you and this case on tv has brought tears to his eyes, in reminising. Officers like you and your men are what bring pride to all present and retired officer that have given their all. Know that even we are way on the coast of South Texas now that we are remembering you all in our prayers in this difficult case. In His Grip, bekkah jones daughter of George E. Jones retired KC Mo.

Request/Question: Please pass on the Sheriff Morgan.
Sheriff – I am John Sharp, Captain of Walker Police Department in Walker, LA. I saw you interview on Fox News this morning. I know you are busy trying to resolve the Billings case. We wish you the best. I just wanted to take a minute to tell you that I was very impressed with the way you handled the interview and patiently explained why certain questions could not be answered. It was very professional. You made all of us in law enforcement proud.
Capt. John Sharp

Subject: Message for Sheriff Morgan
Request/Question: Sheriff Morgan, I am appaled to think two people doing so much good were murdered by some low-lifes in your county. The loss of people doing so much good, as the Billings were is a big tragedy. How is it that we live in a world where you and I know the value of such people and there is scum that only sees them as prey. Ican only pray that you will find these people and your system in Fla. Will bury them! Thank you, Charlie Griffin in N.C.
