Schofield speaks out on judge race

glassDear Mr. Outzen,

I read your recent comments about Mr. Powell’s miss-statements about Mr. Ketchels experience. I would suggest rather than bashing either candidate your paper do a little investigative journalism and see for yourself how many cases Mr. Ketchel has actually filed and pursued in any Florida state court. I also tried , when still in the campaign, to find Mr. Ketchels experience level and found very few cases.

And I do not have a Compaq 286 ( I have Pentium computers and a T 1 line). Also you should know that State appeal decisions (and therefore the cases that underlie those) are very very different from a “Federal board of contract appeals” which is basically an administrative hearing and bears little to no resemblance to a trial, or even a bench trial in our state court system.

So, The reason I write is not to bash either candidate, but to suggest you perhaps do a little research before taking any candidates word or condemning any candidates actions. I for one, am still waiting for Mr. Ketchel to release a list of his cases and “appeals”, so we can all find them, review them, and make an informed decision. Why hasn’t he simply done so?

Mike Schofield, former candidate
