Sinclair/WEAR want Mediacom to pay

tv The crappiest channel reception in the Mediacom Cable system is WEAR TV 3. Now Sinclair – the owner of WEAR – wants Mediacom and its subscribers to 50 cents a month for the privilege of viewing Lost, Desperate Housewives and Gray’s Anatomy.

That’s right. Unlike ESPN or CNN that requires the broadcaster a satellite to transmit and a dish or cable system to receive. WEAR wants to be paid for a broadcast feed we can get with a good pair of “rabbit ears”.

It would be like the PNJ charging for looking up old issues on their website….oops bad example.

Or a bank charging for you using the ATM machine that doesn’t require any manpower, but not charging for using a bank teller that does….oops bad example.

Maybe we should figure out how to charge for our free paper, too.

Read PNJ article:  Stay tuned for cable dispute
