Remember Recycling Center rules

The City of Pensacola would like to remind residents of the rules at the Summit Boulevard Recycling Center, due to a high volume of Styrofoam and other unrecyclable materials being disposed of. Styrofoam is not a recyclable material, and it can cause the entire load to be rejected.

The recycling drop-off center is video monitored 24/7 to ensure proper use of the site and to deter illegal dumping of nonrecyclable materials.

The center has three containers for residents to properly dispose of recyclables including cardboard, plastic, glass and more. Two containers are available for cardboard only. Cardboard boxes must be broken down and placed through the slots on the side of the box. The third container is available for other recyclable materials. Household garbage and yard waste are not accepted.

Acceptable items:
Cardboard (please place in designated containers)
Aluminum, tin, steel (including cans and lids)
Glass jars and bottles, cereal boxes and other paperboard boxes
Plastic bottles, milk and juice cartons
Plastics No. 1 and 2
Magazines and catalogs
Hardcover or paperback books
Newspaper and inserts, office paper and junk mail
Metal pots, pans and cookie sheets
Paper bags

Unacceptable items:
Aerosol cans
Ceramics or dishes
Food waste
Plastic bags or film
Motor oil containers
Household hazardous waste
Light bulbs, window glass or mirrors
Household items or furniture
Construction materials

For more information, contact City of Pensacola Sanitation Services and Fleet Management at 850-435-1890. The Summit Boulevard recycling drop-off center is located near 2750 Summit Blvd. in Pensacola, next to Fire Station 3.


1 thought on “Remember Recycling Center rules

  1. As a kid, I wanted to be a garbage man until I discovered – to my shock – that they worked more than one day a week. Anyone know why the city’s Sanitation Services & Fleet Management Department has an “Interim” Director? I heard that the prior person (John Pittman) was fired. Why? What did this guy do? I don’t recall the firing reported by the media. Any reason for the secrecy? City sanitation customers pay for recycling once a week. Why would the city set-up a stand-alone recycling center near Mayor Robinson and Councilman Moore’s homes? The city recently began what is calls “a Premium Collection service for an additional $20.00 per month.” How about the council ask for a report to describe who is using the Premium Collection service? What is the cost to the city of providing this service and how much revenue does it generate? Do customers paying for this service know that they can get the same service for free if disabled? Has anyone thought to ask ECUA how much it would cost city residents and business owners to take over picking up the trash in the city? Last year, it cost the city $7.1 million to pick up the trash in the city. Could ECUA do it for less? Would it be more environmentally friendly to have one government picking the trash in and around the city? I live on the northern frontier of the city where the city/non-city line jinks and jags. I see both city and ECUA garbage trucks picking up the trash in my neighborhood. That can’t possibly be an efficient way to do business. Better yet, what would be the total cost if ECUA ran the landfill too? When the issue of having one government (ECUA) in charge of picking up trash the county commissioners push back that they make a profit on the landfill. Where’s that money come from? Yes, from us. Maybe when the CRC digs into the efficiencies, i.e. the inefficiencies, of city government it can look into the sanitation issue, request a presentation from the city, county and ECUA and then make a recommendation to the council. The CRC can make recommendations that do not require a charter change.

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