Charlie Crist calls out DeSantis

Congressman and Democratic nominee for governor Charlie Crist visited Pensacola today, and I got to interview for a few minutes.

He explained why he is running against Gov. Ron DeSantis:

“Where’s the humanity in this person? I mean, has he no decency. It’s unbelievable to me, Rick. And it embarrasses me that he’s the governor of my state.


Well, I’m running against him so that he won’t be anymore because Florida deserves better than that. We deserve a governor with a heart who has compassion, who actually cares about people and will look out for their best interest instead of his own political interest of being president and trying to run in 2024 and be the Republican nominee.


I mean, my God, his job is to help us, not himself.

We will play the full interview tomorrow morning on WCOA 1370AM. Please listen.

2 thoughts on “Charlie Crist calls out DeSantis

  1. Ron DeSantis is a performative trump cut-out with a cruelty streak. His latest “stunt” which is actually several federal crimes cements his authoritarian fascist credentials.

    Ron DeSantis is a pantaloon charade.

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