Weis health ambassadors get their scrubs

The Health Ambassadors at C.A. Weis Elementary School are dressed for success. The program was designed by Community Health Northwest Florida to give students hands-on experience in the healthcare field. Students are learning how to be healthy while they explore a potential career path.

This fall, Community Health outfitted the student ambassadors with Community Health Northwest Florida scrubs and lab coats.

“They were very, very excited,” said Chandra Williams, Clinical Office Manager for C.A. Weis. “They put the scrubs on, and they feel like they’re real doctors.”

The Health Ambassador program at Weis is supporting the students’ early career development in a variety of ways. In First Aid class, Magan Cook, APRN, has given them instruction in the Heimlich maneuver, basics of 911 and different aspects of first aid.

Their experiences go beyond just healthcare skills, they are learning soft skills, social skills and even trying their hand at broadcasting. With the help of Medical Assistant Barbara Hayes, “founder” and leader of the Weis Health Ambassador program, they are producing a regular “Health Minute” that they write and record for the school announcements.

When C.A. Weis hosted a STEM Night for parents and students, the Healthcare Ambassadors demonstrated their skills by professionally conducting height, weight and blood pressure checks.

Williams said, “That went over very well. They’re getting a lot of hands-on experience.”