PHS Tapes – Episodes Four-Seven

To understand the extent of the dysfunction of the Pensacola Humane Society, it helps to listen to the recording of the Dec. 12 staff meeting when several board members met with staff and volunteers to calm the situation. The tapes are chaotic with several people shouting to be heard.

Meanwhile, the Pensacola Humane Society board has filed a lawsuit against six former employees–two are pregnant, most live paycheck-to-paycheck–seeking $30K and public apologies. Maybe the board has forgotten what “humane” means.

Episode 4 – No Transparency

The Pensacola Humane Society is in free fall. On Dec. 12, several board members met with staff and volunteers to calm the situation. The meeting is chaotic as staff and volunteers want to know who are the board members and ask for more transparency.

Episode 5 – Who Wrote This?
The board members press to find out who wrote the memo.

Episode 6 – Bad Hire
The board members continued to blame the former executive director for communication issues and operational issues. Staff is told they should have come to a board meeting with their grievances – but staff didn’t know about meetings or who is on the board.

Episode 7 – Lack of Confidence

Staff and volunteers want the names of board members, tax returns and board minutes posted on the website. They also want an audit.

1 thought on “PHS Tapes – Episodes Four-Seven

  1. Thank you Rick for putting these recordings out there, people with influence need to know the truth.

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