Superintendent: Why limit who gets the job?

Quint Studer explained why he supports having an appointed superintendent: “‘What I wanted was the option for the school board to find the very best person they possibly could to lead the school district. You know, it’s a difficult job – thousands of employees, millions of dollars, thousands of students. Why limit yourself to only people that are residents of Escambia County? ”

He continued, “Now maybe you get lucky and maybe you have a great resident who’s an experienced superintendent, but that’s maybe not. And I just think it’s really normal for almost any organization when they have a position open to do a national search.

Heck, we do it for teachers. We do it for coaches. Visit Pensacola did it and got great reviews for doing it. Habitat did it. They got great reviews for doing it. So I just hate to limit it because I think our students deserve the very best superintendent we can possibly have.”