GOP Exec Committee to storm School Board meeting

The Escambia County Republican Party leaders want “a large Republican presence to show the school board that we expect that the next Superintendent will be someone who will uphold our conservative values and implement conservative policy in our school district Your presence is requested at the next School Board meeting.”

Why this matters: The meeting will determine the transition to an interim superintendent. The choice for interim appears to be between Asst. Superintendent Keith Leonard, former football and baseball coach at Tate High, and Deputy Superintendent Dr. Shenna Payne, former West Florida High principal.

The Escambia County Republican Party wanted to return an elected superintendent and has favored the school board banning books. Read more.

The group also labeled Superintendent Tim Smith a “liberal.” Read more.

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Email sent to members:

To: Escambia County Republican Party

The purpose of this special meeting is to determine the transition to an Interim Superintendent. We need a large Republican presence to show the school board that we expect that the next Superintendent will be someone who will uphold our conservative values and implement conservative policy in our school district. If you are willing to speak, sign-up sheets will be located in the back of the room. If you don’t wish to speak, please fill out a speaking form anyway and donate your time to another speaker. Your presence is important and appreciated!

May 30, 2023 Special Meeting (1:00 PM)

Date & Time
Tuesday, May 30, 2023
Location: Room 160, Hall Center
30 E Texar Dr, Pensacola, FL 32503

Link to meeting information:
Events Library – Escambia County School District BoardDocs® Pro

Pueshel Schneier, Secretary

Escambia County Republican Party

2 thoughts on “GOP Exec Committee to storm School Board meeting

  1. The purpose of education is to develop independent learners who will contribute to society. This goal is achieved by providing opportunities in the classroom focused on critical thinking. Political organizations that promote any type of personal agenda only undermine and limit the educational opportunities of the student and society.

  2. Hopefully a percentage of the people who talk about how horrible this is behind the scenes, but have kept their heads in the sand publicly throughout this accelerating constitution-breaking, liberty smashing by the GOP/REC, will recognize this question of the future of our schools as the moment to find their voices.

    We cannot let an entire generation of Escambia children go through their formidable years thinking that the REC’s bigotry, discrimination, and outright bullying is what decency looks like. If these people become the role models for the upcoming generation, simply because their fixations and obsessions result in them constantly making the most noise, the outcome will be disastrous for decades to come.

    As I said in a different comment, taking the high road is NOT working. It’s time for the good guys to stand firm and face down these bullies and whichever charlatans on that dais are scheming with them this round. Our kids can’t fight this fight for themselves. Wake up and stand up, decent and caring adults! There are SO many more of us than this rabid sub-culture that has scrambled their brains on conspiracy theory and cult propaganda. It’s time to stop letting the loudest, craziest voices in the room make decisions for our young minds.

    Put it this way: if you had a choice between Kevin Adams or Timothy Smith to homeschool your child, which would you pick? (Hint: if your choice is Kevin Adams, you’re one of the reasons we need an appointed rather than an elected superintendent.) We’ve lost Dr. Smith to this lunacy already; it’s time for the decent, humane, and sane adults to take charge of the room. Enough is seriously enough.

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