Last Word: Jim McClellan

In July 2005, we started “The Last Word,” a column in which locals answer questions about themselves. It was patterned after Vanity Fair’s The Proust Questionnaire – which had its origins in a parlor game popularized by Marcel Proust, the French essayist and novelist, who believed that an individual reveals his or her true nature in answering these questions.

Jim McClellan

Inweekly, 3/23/2006

McClellan spent 20 years in Tallahassee working for the state, including governors Bob Graham, Bob Martinez and Lawton Chiles. He also worked with Ron Sachs Communications for 10 years. But he finally realized a dream – living and working here. He started his own Pensacola consulting firm Southern Solutions in July 2003 and has worked on the campaigns for the ½-cent sales tax for healthcare insurance for the poor and the ECUA Main Street plant relocation, among other things. Here, McClellan talks about dunking a basketball, negativity and Oscar Award winner Reese Witherspoon.

What is your greatest fear?
Obviously, something bad happening to a family member is No. 1. However, failure is a close second.

What is the trait you must deplore?
Ignorance. In my view, being human brings with it an obligation to challenge your beliefs and learn – always.

Which person do you most admire?
Locally, there are three: My wife, Mary, my brother, Steve, and my father-in-law, Fred Donovan.

What is your greatest extravagance?
Well, unless you consider my dogs, guns, fishing gear and boat “extravagances,” I don’t really have any.

What is your favorite journey?
An early morning trip to the woods or out on the boat. There’s always an overwhelming sense of possibility about what the day might bring.

What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
Patience. Why can’t I have what I want, when I want it?

Which words or phrase do you most overuse?
When writing, I overuse “however.” However, when speaking I overuse an unprintable four-word phrase that describes a male puppy.

When and where are you most comfortable?
I am most comfortable at home with my family. My wife would add: “Asleep in his chair.”

Which talent would you most like to have?
I’d like to dunk a basketball, hit a softball out of the park and be an expert wing shooter.

What is your current state of mind?
Honestly, I’ve never been happier.

What do you consider your greatest failure?
Allowing my fear of failure to keep me from taking more chances in life.

What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
Running out of hope.

What is your most striking characteristic?
My irreverent and sometimes bizarre sense of humor.

What is the quality you most like in other people?
A positive attitude.

What do you most dislike?
Negativity. It just doesn’t make sense to me why so many people waste their limited time on this planet searching for and dwelling on what’s wrong.

If you could change one thing about your family, what would it be?
I’d have all four of my brothers in Pensacola and my children would be more appreciative of their blessings.

What have you learned in life?
People who truly make good things happen are worth their weight in gold. Critics and spectators are a dime a dozen.

How would you like to die?
With Reese Witherspoon and Katie Holmes trying to revive me.

What is your motto?
Get over it.