Trust email: Gives hope for CRC; Commissioner May, Mayor Reeves react [podcasts]

From Escambia Children’s Trust Executive Director Tammy Greer sent after this email the grants meeting:

Good afternoon. First, thank you to Shawn, Deana, and Chandra for being at our Program Committee meeting this morning. You submitted a terrific proposal, and I believe it is a positive sign that the committee asked for more detail about the service array to be housed in the Children’s Resource Center. The more defined services you can present, the easier it will be for the Board to justify funding the facility.

I am glad that Commissioner May backed off of having the Trust staff in the facility. I would much prefer to see you use all the space for the provision of direct services to the children and families of the surrounding communities. We pay $5,350 a year in rent, including phone and Internet. It would cost us more to move there. Please don’t take my statements about being there as me now wanting to share space; I would just rather it be used for better things.

As for services, I know the Board said we are not to help ‘write’ the proposals, but we can certainly give you feedback and connect you with other providers. For example, if you need to be connected with any other agencies we fund, I’d be happy to do so. You mentioned Legal Services of North Florida, for example. I would be happy to connect you with their team. We are funding their educational advocacy project and a foster child advocacy program – both of which would be an excellent fit for the Center.

I’d also suggest reaching out to Benny Washington (JBW Education & Sports), as he may be interested in using the gym for his sports and literacy program, and to Crista Brandt (Valerie’s House), for grief counseling support groups. We also just funded the Arc Gateway to coordinate the new Help Me Grow collaborative, which would be another perfect complement to the services there. Again, tell me if you want any additional information about our funded programs. We have 25 active contracts, so there’s a lot to share!

Allison and Shawn, in terms of your programming in particular, you might find the model linked below of interest. They have an entire center solely for child counseling (thus the name: Center for Child Counseling!). This model plus a pediatric clinic plus Help Me Grow services plus other complementary services would be phenomenal.

Please let us know if we can be of any assistance as you add to your proposal. Thank you all for the time and energy you have obviously put into this concept. Have a wonderful afternoon.

Warm regards,

Commissioner Lumon May and Mayor D.C. Reeves discussed the CRC on WCOA this morning.
